Publicaties van unit Beleidsstudies in 2009.
Smekens, K.E.L.; Plomp, A.J.; Sie, B.;
Aanpassing Analysetool van het optiedocument
ECN-E--09-086 NL december 2009; 50 pag.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Sauer, T.;
Time to reconsider U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe
ECN-V--09-038 EN december 2009; 2 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (), , Ed., p.-.
Schoots, K.; Bouquet, Thomas;
CHP-GO implementation and their integration with other policies, including policy recommendations (WP4 Report)
ECN-O--09-046 EN december 2009; 55 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
Walking the tightrope: balancing effectiveness against cost in the Netherlands' feed-in tariffs
ECN-V--09-039 EN december 2009; 2 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Subsidy Watch - Gobal Subsidies Initiative (), , Ed., p.-.
Jansen, J.C.;
Energy services security: concepts and metrics
ECN-E--09-080 EN november 2009; 35 pag.
Lako, P.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Socio-economic indicators of renewable energy in 2008
ECN-E--09-081 EN november 2009; 34 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Coninck, H.C. de; Groenenberg, H.;
Progress on including CCS projects in the CDM: Insights on increased awareness, market potential and baseline methodologies
ECN-W--09-060 EN november 2009; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.Volume 4, Issue 2, p.321-326.
Lensink, S.M.; Cleijne, J.W.; Mozaffarian, M.; Pfeiffer, A.E.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Stienstra, G.J.;
Eindadvies basisbedragen 2010
ECN-E--09-058 NL november 2009; 42 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Sipma, J.M.; Leidelmeijer, K.; Cozijnsen, E.;
Besparingskentallen voor besparing in de bestaande woningbouw
ECN-E--09-074 NL november 2009; 65 pag.
Smekens, K.E.L.; Martinus, G.H.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Market Allocation Model (MARKAL) at ECN
ECN-B--09-018 EN november 2009; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: 156, 978 1 84720 905 4, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Modelling sustainable development, 147.
Hers, J.S.; Ozdemir, O.; Kolokathis, C.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.;
Net Benefits of a New Dutch Congestion Management System
ECN-E--09-075 EN november 2009; 88 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Caldes, Natalia; Labriet, Maryse; Lefevre, T.; Todoc, J.L.; Leteng, Lin;
Better urban air quality and the Clean Development Mechanism. Bringing together local and global interests
ECN-B--09-022 EN november 2009; 0 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: GreenCITYnomics. The urban war against climate change, 978-1-906093-22-8, Greenleaf publishing.
Ferioli, F.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Learning in Times of Change: a Dynamic Explanation for Technological Progress
ECN-W--09-056 EN november 2009; 6 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society), 2009, Ed.43, p.4002-4008.
Meyer, L.; Bakker, S.J.A.; Tilburg, X. van; et. al., ;
News in Climate Science and Exploring Boundaries. A Policy brief on developments since the IPCC AR4 report in 2007
ECN-O--09-048 EN november 2009; 32 pag.
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Tradable Carbon Allowances: The experience of the EU and lessons learned
ECN-E--09-078 EN november 2009; 34 pag.
Hekkenberg, M.;
Local cooling, global warming. The interaction between local cooling demand, climate change and international policy strategies
ECN-O--10-001 EN november 2009; 190 pag.
De Vita, A.; McLaren, J.; Cochran, J.; Coninck, H.C. de;
A climate for collaboration. Analysis of US and EU lessons and opportunities in energy and climate policy
ECN-E--09-070 EN november 2009; 45 pag.
Schoots, K.; Bouquet, Thomas; Jansen, J.C.; Seebach, D.;
Requirements of electricity end-users on tracking of electricity generation attributes and related policies
ECN-O--09-047 EN november 2009; 50 pag.
Hers, J.S.; Wetzels, W.;
Technische ondersteuning subsidieberekening SDE WKK 2010
ECN-E--09-069 NL november 2009; 18 pag.
Mozaffarian, M.;
Biorefinery Researcher Issue 3
ECN-O--10-014 EN november 2009; 32 pag.
Hodson, M.; Marvin, S.; Breukers, S.C.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Mourik, R.;
Deliverable 7 of Changing Behaviour: Report - Conceptualizing and understanding intermediaries in context: Developing an enhanced understanding of context, actors and transferability
ECN-O--09-041 EN oktober 2009; 83 pag.
Breukers, S.C.; Heiskanen, E.; Mourik, R.; Bauknecht, D.; Hodson, M.; Barabanova, Y.; Brohmann, B.; Bürger, V.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Jalas, M.; Johnson, M.; Maier, P.; Marvin, S.; Meinel, H. ; Pariag, J.; Rask, M.; Rinne, S.; Robinson, S.; Saastamoinen, M.; Salminnen, J.; Valuntiene, I.; Vadovics, E.;
Deliverable 5 of Changing Behaviour: Interaction Schemes for Successful Energy Demand Side Management. Building blocks for a practicable and conceptual framework
ECN-O--09-039 EN oktober 2009; 164 pag.
Mourik, R.; Breukers, S.C.; Heiskanen, E.; Bauknecht, D.; Hodson, M.; Barabanova, Y.; Brohmann, B.; Bürger, V.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Jalas, M.; Johnson, M.; Maier, P.; Marvin, S.; Meinel, H. ; Pariag, J.; Rask, M.; Rinne, S.; Robinson, S.; Saastamoinen, M.; Salminnen, J.; Valuntiene, I.; Vadovics, E.;
Deliverable 6 of Changing Behaviour: Conceptual framework and model: Synthesis report tailored for policy makers as target group. A practical and conceptual framework of intermediary demand-side practice
ECN-O--09-040 EN oktober 2009; 35 pag.
Mourik, R.; Heiskanen, E.; Hodson, M.; Kallaste, T.; Maier, P.; Marvin, S.; Rinne, S.; Saastamoinen, M.; Vadovics, E.;
A rose by any other name…? New contexts and players in European energy efficiency programmes
ECN-M--09-140 EN oktober 2009; 14 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ECEEE Summer Study 2009, La Colle sur Loup, France, 1-6 juni 2009.
Bosetti, V.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Targets and Technologies for Climate Control
ECN-V--09-032 EN oktober 2009; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Climate Change (), 2009, Ed.96, 3, p.269-273.
Rable, A.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Cost–benefit analysis of climate change dynamics: uncertainties and the value of information
ECN-V--09-033 EN oktober 2009; 21 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Climate Change (), 2009, Ed.96, 3, p.313-333.
Bollen, J.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Local air pollution and global climate change: A combined cost-benefit analysis
ECN-V--09-034 EN oktober 2009; 21 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Resource and Energy Economics (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.31, p.161-181.
Ferioli, F.; Schoots, K.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Use and Limitations of Learning Curves for Energy Technology Policy: a Component-Learning Hypothesis
ECN-W--09-034 EN oktober 2009; 11 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.37, p.2525-2535.
Mourik, R.; Heiskanen, E.; Anttonen, M.; Backhaus, J.; Barabanova, Y.; Bauknecht, D.; Bern, M.R.; Breukers, S.C.; Brohmann, B.; Bürger, V.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Hodson, M.; Jalas, M.; Johnston, A.; Kallaste, T.; Kamenders, A.; Liang, V.; Malamantenios, C. ; Maier, P.; Marvin, S.; Meinel, H. ; Papandreou, V.; Pariag, J.; Rask, M.; Rinne, S.; Robinson, S.; Saastamoinen, M.; Salminnen, J.; Vadovics, E.;
Deliverable 4 of Changing Behaviour: Past 10 year of best and bad practices in demand management: a meta analysis of 27 case studies focusing on conditions explaining success and failure of demand-side management programmes
ECN-O--09-038 EN oktober 2009; 0 pag.
Fischer, G; Prieler, S.; Velthuizen, H. van; Lensink, S.M.; Londo, H.M.; Wit, M de;
Biofuel production potentials in Europe: Sustainable use of cultivated land and pastures. Part I: Land productivity potentials
ECN-V--09-027 EN oktober 2009; 14 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2010, Ed.34(2), p.159-172.
Fischer, G; Prieler, S.; Velthuizen, H. van; Berndes, G.; Faaij, A; Londo, H.M.; Wit, M de;
Biofuel production potentials in Europe: Sustainable use of cultivated land and pastures, Part II: Land use scenarios
ECN-V--09-028 EN oktober 2009; 15 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2010, Ed.34(2), p.173-187.
Lensink, S.M.; Londo, H.M.;
Assessment of biofuels supporting policies using the BioTrans model
ECN-V--09-029 EN oktober 2009; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2010, Ed.34(2), p.218-226.
Londo, H.M.; Lensink, S.M.; Wakker, A.; Fischer, G; Prieler, S.; Velthuizen, H. van; Wit de, M.; Faaij, A; Junginger, M.; Berndes, G.; Hansson, J.; Egeskog, A.; Duer, H; Lundbaek, J.; Wisniewski, G.; Kupczyk, A.; Könighofer, K;
The REFUEL EU road map for biofuels in transport: Application of the project’s tools to some short-term policy issues
ECN-V--09-030 EN oktober 2009; 7 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2010, Ed.34(2), p.244-250.
Wit, M de; Junginger, M.; Lensink, S.M.; Londo, H.M.; Faaij, A;
Competition between biofuels: Modeling technological learning and cost reductions over time
ECN-V--09-031 EN oktober 2009; 15 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2010, Ed.34(2), p.203-217.
Putten, van, Joost;
The difference the CDM makes. An analysis of the impact of the clean development mechanism on technological change in non-Annex I countries
ECN-O--09-030 EN oktober 2009; 115 pag.
Bole, T.; Londo, H.M.;
Improving the investment climate for second generation biofuels
ECN-M--09-139 EN oktober 2009; 8 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 29 juni 2009-3 juli 2009.
Beurskens, L.W.M.; Mozaffarian, M.; Lescot, D.; Tuillé, Frédéric; Fovez, Gaëtan Fovez;
Biofuels Barometer
ECN-O--09-036 EN oktober 2009; 22 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; De Vita, A.; Coninck, H.C. de; Tomlinson, S.; Zorlu, P.;
Financial assessment of the technology proposals under the UNFCCC
ECN-E--09-073 EN oktober 2009; 38 pag.
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Tradable Carbon Allowances: The experience of the EU and lessons learned
ECN-M--09-133 EN oktober 2009; 30 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: EWC/KDI Conference "Climate Change and Green Growth: Korea's National Growth Strategy" , Honolulu, USA, 23-24 juli 2009.
Boot, P.A.;
Energy efficiency obligations in the Netherlands - a role for white certificates?
ECN-E--09-045 EN oktober 2009; 28 pag.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Gerlagh, R.;
Economics of Geological CO2 Storage and Leakage
ECN-W--09-057 EN oktober 2009; 24 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Climate Change (Springer Science + Business Media B.V.), 2009, Ed.93, p.285-309.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Smekens, K.E.L.;
CO2 Capture and Storage with Leakage in an Energy-Climate Model
ECN-W--09-059 EN oktober 2009; 13 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer), 2009, Ed.14, p.135-148.
Welle, A.J. van der; Kolokathis, C.; Jansen, J.C.; Madina , C.; Diaz, A. ;
Fenix deliverable 3.3: Financial and socio-economic impacts of embracing the Fenix concept
ECN-O--09-032 EN oktober 2009; 70 pag.
Wilde, H.P.J. de; Londo, H.M.;
Market analysis biofuels. Implications for the armed forces in the Netherlands
ECN-E--09-039 EN oktober 2009; 49 pag.
Elzen, M.G.J. den; Mendoza Beltran, M.A.; Vliet, J. van; Bakker, S.J.A.; Bole, T.;
Pledges and Actions. A scenario analysis of mitigation costs and carbon market impacts for developed and developing countries
ECN-O--09-034 EN oktober 2009; 123 pag.
Vries, L.J. de; Joode, J. de; Hakvoort, R.;
The regulation of electricity transmission networks and its impact on governance
ECN-W--10-018 EN oktober 2009; 25 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: European Review of Energy Markets (), 2009, Ed.3, p.13-37.
Joode, J. de; Ozdemir, O.;
Developments on the Northwestern European market for seasonal gas storage
ECN-E--09-065 EN september 2009; 71 pag.
Broek, M.A. van den ; Ramirez-Ramirez, A.; Groenenberg, H.; Neele, F.P.; Viebahn, P.; Turkenburg, W.; Faaij, A;
Feasibility of storing CO2 in the Utsira formation as part of a long term Dutch CCS strategy: An evaluation based on a GIS/MARKAL toolbox
ECN-W--09-031 EN september 2009; 16 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Coninck, H.C. de;
Technology rules! Can technology-oriented agreements help address climate change?
ECN-B--09-017 EN september 2009; 255 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de;
Technology rules! Can technology-oriented agreements help address climate change?
ECN-L--09-201 EN september 2009; 0 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: PhD defence introductory talk, VU University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17-09-09.
Hanschke, C.B.; Uyterlinde, M.A.;
Towards a low carbon transport sector: electricity or hydrogen?
ECN-L--09-193 EN september 2009; 20 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Risoe International Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-16 September 2009.
Daniëls, B.W.; Maas, C.W.M. van der;
Actualisatie referentieramingen. Energie en emissies 2008-2020
ECN-E--09-010 NL september 2009; 146 pag.
Welle, A.J. van der; Joode, J. de; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Regulatory road maps for large-scale integration of electricity from intermittent resources in five national electricity systems
ECN-M--09-137 EN september 2009; 21 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 10th IAEE European conference, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 september 2009.
Gerdes, J.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Vreuls, H.; Verdonk, M.; Pouwelse, J.W.;
Energiebesparing in Nederland 1995 - 2007. Inclusief decompositie energieverbruikstrend
ECN-E--09-040 NL augustus 2009; 27 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
Progress, barriers, solutions and recommendations for more DER integration in the European electricity supply. Summary of findings from the 6th FP EU project SOLID-DER
ECN-E--08-093 EN augustus 2009; 56 pag.
Kroon, P.; Lako, P.; Pieterse, J.A.Z.;
Technologieverkenning. Kansrijke nieuwe technieken voor minder emissies naar de lucht in 2030
ECN-E--09-047 NL augustus 2009; 114 pag.
Hoen, A.; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Hanschke, C.B.; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Geurs, K.;
CO2 emission reduction in transport. Confronting medium-term and long-term options for achieving climate targets in the Netherlands
ECN-B--09-015 EN augustus 2009; 54 pag.
Bole, T.;
Balancing the carbon market - Overview of carbon prices estimates
ECN-B--09-007 EN augustus 2009; 54 pag.
Bole, T.; Saidi, M.A.R.; Bakker, S.J.A.;
Balancing the carbon market- Carbon market impacts of developing country emission reduction targets
ECN-B--09-006 EN augustus 2009; 62 pag.
Brazilian, Morgan; Coninck, H.C. de; Cosbey, A.; Neuhoff, Karsten;
Mechanisms for International Low-Carbon Technology Cooperation: Roles and Impacts
ECN-O--09-049 EN augustus 2009; 16 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Renewable heating and cooling in the Netherlands
ECN-B--09-013 EN augustus 2009; 46 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Duurzame warmte en koude in Nederland
ECN-B--09-014 NL augustus 2009; 46 pag.
Joode, J. de; Jansen, J.C.; Welle, A.J. van der; Scheepers, M.J.J.;
Increasing penetration of renewable and distributed electricity generation and the need for different network regulation
ECN-W--09-030 EN augustus 2009; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.37, p.2907-2915.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Asselt, H. van; Gupta, J.; Haug, C.; Saidi, M.A.R.;
Differentiation in the CDM: options and impacts
ECN-B--09-009 EN juli 2009; 84 pag.
Chakravarty, Shoibal; Chikkatur, Ananth; Coninck, H.C. de; Pacala, Steve; Socolow, Robert; Tavoni, Massimo;
Sharing global CO2 emission reductions among one billion high emitters
ECN-W--09-021 EN juli 2009; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 2009, Ed.Published online before print July 6, 2009, p.-.
Zvingilaite, E. ; Jacobsen, H.K.; Sanchez, E.P.; Welle, A.J. van der;
Identification and analysis of optimal market response options
ECN-O--09-017 EN juli 2009; 129 pag.
Joode, J. de;
Improving regulation of seasonal gas storage
ECN-M--09-138 EN juli 2009; 14 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 32nd International IAEE conference, San Francisco, USA, 21-24 juni 2009.
Vethman, P.;
Het financieren van energiebesparing in woningen.
ECN-E--09-034 NL juli 2009; 49 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Behrentz, E.;
Methodological guidelines for a mitigation potential study in the transport sector in Colombia
ECN-E--09-048 EN juli 2009; 35 pag.
Pelkmans, L.; Kessels, K.; Bole, T.;
Induced market disturbances related to biofuels
ECN-O--09-035 EN juli 2009; 73 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Cleijne, J.W.; Mozaffarian, M.; Pfeiffer, E.A.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Stienstra, G.J.;
Conceptadvies basisbedragen 2010 voor elektriciteit en groen gas in het kader van de SDE-regeling
ECN-E--09-049 NL juni 2009; 42 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.;
How can the Clean Development Mechanism contribute to better air quality?
ECN-W--09-025 EN juni 2009; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Pollution atmosphérique et changement climatique (Appa), 2009, Ed.Special edition, p.77-77.
Uyterlinde, M.A.; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Hanschke, C.B.;
Electric vehicles - the future of passenger transport?
ECN-M--09-090 EN juni 2009; 11 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ECEEE Summer Study 2009, La Colle sur Loup, France, 1-6 juni 2009.
Coninck, H.C. de; Stephens, J.C.; Metz, B.;
Global learning on carbon capture and storage: a call for strong international cooperation on CCS demonstration
ECN-W--09-022 EN juni 2009; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.Volume 37, Issue 6, June 2009, p.2161-2165.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; et. al., ;
Changes in applied policy measures on energy savings in EU-countries
ECN-M--09-091 EN juni 2009; 10 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ECEEE Summer Study 2009, La Colle sur Loup, France, 1-6 juni 2009.
Thomas, S. Stefan; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; et. al., ;
How much energy saving is 1% per year? We still don’t know, but we know better how to find out
ECN-M--09-092 EN juni 2009; 12 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ECEEE Summer Study 2009, La Colle sur Loup, France, 1-6 juni 2009.
Beurskens, L.W.M.; Mozaffarian, M.; Lescot, D.; Tuillé, Frédéric; Fovez, Gaëtan Fovez;
Solar Thermal Barometer
ECN-O--09-023 EN juni 2009; 20 pag.
Heiskanen, E.; Hodson, M.; Kallaste, T.; Maier, P.; Marvin, S.; Mourik, R.; Rinne, S.; Saastamoinen, M.; Vadovics, E.;
A rose by any other name…? New contexts and players in European energy efficiency programmes.
ECN-M--09-100 EN juni 2009; 14 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ECEEE Summer Study 2009, La Colle sur Loup, France, 1-6 juni 2009.
Ferioli, F.; Schoots, K.;
Component-Learning for Energy Technologies: the Case of Hydrogen Production
ECN-W--09-058 EN juni 2009; 25 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Innovation and Learning (Inderscience Publishers), 2009, Ed.6, p.625-640.
Mozaffarian, M.;
Biorefinery Researcher Issue 2
ECN-O--10-015 EN juni 2009; 28 pag.
Connor, Peter; Bürger, V.; Beurskens, L.W.M.; Ericsson, Karin; Egger, Christiane;
Overview of RES-H/RES-C Support Options
ECN-O--09-024 EN mei 2009; 62 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Beurskens, L.W.M.; Grafakos, S.; Jansen, J.C.; Joode, J. de; Ruijven, B.J. van; Vuuren, D.P. van;
Oil prices and climate change mitigation
ECN-B--09-008 EN mei 2009; 76 pag.
Ozdemir, O.; Hers, J.S.; Bartholomew Fisher, Emily; Brunekreeft, Gert; Hobbs, B.F.;
A Nodal Pricing Analysis of the Future German Electricity Market
ECN-M--09-093 EN mei 2009; 7 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: EEM09 Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 27-29 mei 2009.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
How will energy use develop and what are the prospects of energy saving measures?
ECN-O--09-020 EN mei 2009; 0 pag.
Jansen, J.C.; Seebregts, A.J.;
Long-term energy services security: What is it and how can it be measured?
ECN-W--09-019 EN april 2009; 11 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.Article in press, corrected proof , p.-.
Hanschke, C.B.;
Monitor Schoon en Zuinig. Actuele stand van zaken - 2008
ECN-E--09-030 NL april 2009; 89 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van; Daniëls, B.W.; Gerdes, J.; Kroon, P.; Lensink, S.M.; Menkveld, M.; Seebregts, A.J.; Tigchelaar, C.; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Vethman, P.; Wakker, A.; Wetzels, W.; Elzenga, H.E.; Geurs, K.; Hoen, A.; Peek, K.; Schijndel, M. van;
Verkenning Schoon en Zuinig
ECN-E--09-022 NL april 2009; 84 pag.
Marchais, Jean Jacques; et. al., ;
Energy management and energy efficiency Glossary of terms
ECN-O--09-021 EN april 2009; 12 pag.
Keppo, I.J.;
Influence of rising commodity prices on energy policy
ECN-E--09-025 EN april 2009; 18 pag.
Neuhoff, Karsten; Lester, Sarah; Laing, Tim; Cust, James; Coninck, H.C. de;
Catching the Wave Summary of discussions during workshop in Cambridge 9th and 10th February 2009
ECN-O--09-007 EN april 2009; 12 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
Overview of progress, barriers and solutions for more DER integration into electricity supply system - Deliverable 1.3 part C
ECN-O--09-008 EN april 2009; 42 pag.
Schwaiger, Hannes; Türk, Andreas; Arasto, Antti; Vehlow, Jürgen; Kautto, Niina; Sijm, J.P.M.; Hunder, Marzena; Brammer, John;
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme and Biomass
ECN-O--09-009 EN april 2009; 73 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de;
innovative scheme for allocating emissions targets
ECN-O--09-010 EN april 2009; 3 pag.
Lako, P.;
Energy conservation potential of the nitrogen fertiliser industry
ECN-E--09-011 EN april 2009; 50 pag.
Bruggink, J.J.C.;
Het transitiebeleid voor duurzame mobiliteit. Evaluatie en toekomstvisie
ECN-E--08-080 NL april 2009; 83 pag.
Beurskens, L.W.M.; Mozaffarian, M.; Lescot, D.; Tuillé, Frédéric; Fovez, Gaëtan Fovez;
Photovoltaic Barometer
ECN-O--09-022 EN april 2009; 24 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.; Groenenberg, H.;
How may CCS technology affect the electricity market in North-Western Europe?
ECN-V--09-020 EN april 2009; 11 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), February 2009, Ed.1, p.4181-4191.
Wildenborg, T.; Bentham, M.; Chadwick, A.; David, P.; Deflandre, J.P.; Dillen, M.; Groenenberg, H.; Kirk, K.; Le Gallo, Y.;
Large-scale CO2 injection demos for the development of monitoring and verification technology and guidelines (CO2ReMoVe)
ECN-V--09-021 EN april 2009; 8 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), February 2009, Ed.1, p.2367-2374.
Wartmann, Sina; Groenenberg, H.; Brockett, Scott;
Monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions from CCS operations under the EU ETS
ECN-V--09-022 EN april 2009; 8 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), February 2009, Ed.1, p.4459-4466.
Uyterlinde, M.A.;
Long term perspectives for electric transport
ECN-L--09-113 EN april 2009; 13 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: DTU workshop, , Denmark, 17 March 2009.
Bunzeck, I.G.;
Market perspectives of H2 vehicles. Analysis of current status and requirements.
ECN-E--09-028 EN maart 2009; 21 pag.
Lako, P.; Wakker, A.;
Duurzame energieopties bij integrale verbetering van de Afsluitdijk
ECN-E--09-012 NL maart 2009; 17 pag.
Hammingh, P.; Smekens, K.E.L.; Koelemeijer, R.; Daniëls, B.W.; Kroon, P.;
Effects of Climate Policies on Emissions of Air Pollutants in the Netherlands
ECN-E--08-064 EN maart 2009; 74 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Cleijne, J.W.; Faasen, C.J.; Pfeiffer, E.A.; Tilburg, X. van; Wakker, A.;
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame elektriciteitsopties in 2009-2010. Consultatiedocument
ECN-E--09-020 NL maart 2009; 29 pag.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Gerlagh, R.;
Economics of Geological CO2 Storage and Leakage
ECN-V--09-011 EN maart 2009; 25 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Climate Change (Springer Science + Business Media B.V.), 2009, Ed.Volume 93, Numbers 3-4, p.285-309.
Beurskens, L.W.M.; Mozaffarian, M.; Lescot, D.; Tuillé, Frédéric; Fovez, Gaëtan Fovez;
The State of Renewable Energies in Europe
ECN-O--09-011 EN februari 2009; 148 pag.
Beurskens, L.W.M.; Mozaffarian, M.; Lescot, D.; Tuillé, Frédéric; Fovez, Gaëtan Fovez;
Wind Power Barometer
ECN-O--09-012 EN februari 2009; 27 pag.
Sijm, J.P.M.; Hers, J.S.; Wetzelaer, B.J.H.W.;
Options to address concerns regarding EU ETS induced increases in power prices and generators’ profits: the case of carbon cost pass-through in Germany and the Netherlands
ECN-B--09-002 EN februari 2009; 46 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: In: Gulli, F. (ed.), Markets for Carbon and Power Pricing in Europe - Theoretica, 101, 144, 978 1 84720 809 5, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chen, Y.; Sijm, J.P.M.; Hobbs, B.F.; Lise, W.;
Implications of CO2 Emissions Trading for Short-run Electricity Outcomes in Northwest Europe
ECN-W--09-002 EN februari 2009; 31 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Regulatory Economics (Springer Netherlands), 2008, Ed.Vol. 34, No. 3,, p.251-281.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Gerlagh, R.;
Effectiveness of CCS with Time-dependent CO2 Leakage
ECN-M--09-045 EN januari 2009; 0 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Energy Procedia, 5-6 januari 2009.
Hanschke, C.B.; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Kroon, P.; Jeeninga, H.; Londo, H.M.;
Duurzame innovatie in het Wegverkeer. Een evaluatie van vier transitiepaden voor het thema Duurzame Mobiliteit
ECN-E--08-076 NL januari 2009; 105 pag.
Kroon, P.; Wetzels, W.;
Onderbouwing actualisatie BEES B. Kosten en effecten van de voorgenomen wijziging van het besluit emissie-eisen stookinstallaties B
ECN-E--08-020 NL januari 2009; 89 pag.
Wilde, H.P.J. de; Weijers, E.P.;
Schone rondvaart Amsterdam. Een verkenning van technische en beleidsmatige mogelijkheden
ECN-E--08-083 NL 2009; 60 pag.