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Publicaties van unit Windenergie in 2016.
Pascu, V.; Kanev, S.K.; Wingerden, J.W. van;
Adaptive tower damping control for offshore wind turbines
ECN-W--16-044 EN december 2016; 17 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Wind Energy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 2016,, p.---.
Hermans, K.W.; Peeringa, J.M.;
Future XL monopile foundation design for a 10 MW turbine in deep water
ECN-E--16-069 EN december 2016; 43 pag.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Papathanasiou, F.; Beekman, L.; Boxem, T.; Koornneef, J.; Faaij, A Prof.; Welle, A.J. van der;
Strategies towards an Efficient future North Sea Energy Infrastructure (SENSEI)
ECN-O--16-053 EN december 2016; 103 pag.
Boorsma, K.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Savenije, F.J.; Boquet, M.; Bierbooms, W.A.A.M.; Giyanani, A.H.; Rutteman, R.;
LiDAR Application for Wind Energy Efficiency, Final report
ECN-E--16-044 EN december 2016; 62 pag.
Stock - Williams, C.F.W.;
Development of a Stochastic Weather Simulation Capability for ECN
ECN-E--16-064 EN december 2016; 16 pag.
Dewan, A.; Asgarpour, M.;
O&M Concepts for Near and Far Offshore Wind Farms
ECN-E--16-055 EN november 2016; 51 pag.
Wouters, D.A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
Verification of the ZephIR 300 LiDAR at the ECN LiDAR Calibration Facility for the offshore Europlatform measurement campaign
ECN-E--16-029 EN oktober 2016; 82 pag.
Wouters, D.A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
Validation of the ZephIR 300 LiDAR at the ECN LiDAR Calibration Facility for the offshore Europlatform measurement campaign
ECN-E--16-033 EN oktober 2016; 28 pag.
Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.;
Rotor experiments in controlled conditions continued: New Mexico
ECN-M--16-063 EN oktober 2016; 10 pag.
Parra, E.A.; Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.; Snel, H.;
Momentum considerations on the New MEXICO experiment
ECN-M--16-064 EN oktober 2016; 13 pag.
Wagenaar, J.W.; Bedon, G.; Werkhoven, E.J.; diggelen, C.A. van;
Wind Iris nacelle LiDAR calibration at ECN test site
ECN-E--16-053 EN oktober 2016; 43 pag.
Boorsma, K.; Hartvelt, M.; Orsi, L.;
Application of the lifting line vortex wake method to dynamic load case simulations
ECN-M--16-066 EN oktober 2016; 11 pag.
sorensen, N.N.; Zahle, F.; Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.;
CFD computations of the second round of MEXICO rotor measurements
ECN-M--16-067 EN oktober 2016; 11 pag.
Oggiano, L.; Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.; Kloosterman, M.;
Comparison of simulations on the NewMexico rotor operating in pitch fault conditions
ECN-M--16-068 EN oktober 2016; 11 pag.
Rahimi, H.; Hartvelt, M.; Peinke, J.; Schepers, J.G.;
Investigation of the current yaw engineering models for simulation of wind turbines in BEM
ECN-M--16-069 EN oktober 2016; 15 pag.
Wouters, D.A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Warnaar, P.M.J.;
Evaluation of the ROMO Wind iSpin Guardian approach
ECN-E--16-050 EN oktober 2016; 30 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.;
Flow analysis with nacelle-mounted LiDAR
ECN-E--16-041 EN oktober 2016; 38 pag.
Kanev, S.K.; Boorsma, K.; Boquet, M.;
On the application of LiDARs in wind farm control
ECN-E--16-045 EN september 2016; 28 pag.
Marina, A.J.; Asgarpour, M.;
Application of LiDARs in Annual Energy Production Assessment of Wind Turbines
ECN-E--16-049 NL september 2016; 37 pag.
Eecen, P.J.;
R&D plan 2017 ECN Windenergie
ECN-F--16-028 NL september 2016; 19 pag.
Bulder, B.H.; Bot, E.T.G.; Marina, A.J.;
Scoping analysis of the potential yield of the Hollandse Kust (zuid) wind farm sites and the influence on the existing wind farms in the proximity
ECN-E--16-021 EN september 2016; 42 pag.
Wagenaar, J.W.; Asgarpour, M. voorvoegsels; Bergman, G.;
ECN-NORCOWE wake LiDAR measurement campaign at ECN test site
ECN-E--16-006 EN augustus 2016; 42 pag.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.;
Wind farm electrical system design and optimization
ECN-M--16-048 EN juni 2016; 14 pag.
Savenije, F.J.;
S4VAWT; Floating vertical axis wind turbines with pitched blades
ECN-M--16-049 EN juni 2016; 20 pag.
Boorsma, K.;
Shining LiDAR light on wind farm efficiency; On the reduction of Cost of Energy using LiDAR technology
ECN-M--16-038 EN juni 2016; 19 pag.
Katsouris, G.; Savenije, L.B.;
Offshore Wind Access 2017
ECN-E--16-013 EN april 2016; 38 pag.
Warnaar, P.M.J.; Dewan, A.;
Modeling the Installation of Offshore Wind Farms
ECN-L--16-018 EN april 2016; 16 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: more, Petten, , 04-04-2016.
Donnelly, G.T.;
Klantcase Centrica
ECN-F--16-011 NL april 2016; 2 pag.
Donnelly, G.T.;
Customer case Centrica
ECN-F--16-012 EN april 2016; 2 pag.
Sark, W.G.J.H.M. van; Schepers, J.G.; van Wees, A.M.;
The Growing Role of Photovoltaic Solar, Wind and Geothermal Energy as Renewables for Electricity Generation
ECN-B--16-003 EN maart 2016; 18 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Sustainability Assessment of Renewable-Based Products; Methods and Case Studies, 19, 36, 978-1-118-93394-7, Wiley & Sons Ltd..
Bulder, B.H.; Roermund, M. van;
RVO lifecycle and decommissioning offshore wind
ECN-E--16-009 EN maart 2016; 33 pag.
Schepers, J.G.;
Nederlands leidende rol in de aerodynamica van windenergie
ECN-W--16-006 NL maart 2016; 4 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde (Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging), 2016, Ed.januari, p.16-19.
Schepers, J.G.; Bulder, B.H.; Quinn, R. voorvoegsels;
An investigation into the effect of low induction rotors on the levelised cost of electricity for a 1GW offshore wind farm
ECN-M--16-023 EN maart 2016; 27 pag.
Schepers, J.G.;
Latest results from the EU project AVATAR: How to model large wind turbines aerodynamically
ECN-M--16-024 EN maart 2016; 32 pag.
Hasager, C.B.; Giebel, G.; Waldl, I.; Schepers, J.G.;
EERA Design Tool for Offshore wind farm Cluster (DTOC)
ECN-M--16-025 EN maart 2016; 3 pag.
Hasager, C.B.; Giebel, G.; Cantera, E.; Waldl, I.; Schepers, J.G.;
Design tool for off-shore wind farm cluster planning
ECN-M--16-027 EN maart 2016; 3 pag.
Schepers, J.G.;
AVATAR: AdVanced Aerodynamic Tools for lArge Rotors
ECN-M--15-055 EN februari 2016; 20 pag.
Ramanujam, G.; Ozdemir, H.; Hoeijmakers, H.W.M.;
Improving Airfoil Drag Prediction
ECN-M--16-022 EN februari 2016; 12 pag.
Wagner, R.; Canadillas, B.; Clifton, A.; Feeney, S.; Nygaard, N.; Poodt, M.J.S.; St. Martin,  C.; Tuxen, E.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
Rotor equivalent wind speed for power curve measurement - comparative exercise for IEA Wind Annex 32
ECN-W--16-004 EN februari 2016; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Physics, Conference Series (IOP Conference Series), 2014, Ed.524, p.1-10.
Soleimanzadeh, M.; Pierik, J.T.G.; Wijesinghe, ;
Economical Reactive Power Provision For an Offshore Transmission Technology
ECN-W--15-041 EN februari 2016; 6 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Renewable Power Generation (IET), 2014, Ed.--, p.1-6.
Reuder, J.; Baserud, L.; Kral, S.; Kumer, V.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Knauer, A.;
Proof of concept for wind turbine wake investigations with the RPAS SUMO
ECN-M--16-011 EN februari 2016; 10 pag.
Rodrigues, S.F.R.; Texeira Pinto, R.; Soleimanzadeh, M.; Bosman, P.H.; Bauer, P.;
Wake losses optimization of offshore wind farms with moveable floating wind turbines
ECN-W--16-003 EN februari 2016; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), 2015, Ed.89, p.933-941.
Reuder, J.; Baserud, L.; Kral, S.; Kumer, V.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Knauer, A.;
Proof of concept for wind turbine wake investigations with the RPAS SUMO
ECN-W--16-002 EN februari 2016; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Science Direct (), 2015,, p.1-10.
Katsouris, G.; Marina, A.J.;
Cost Modelling of Floating Wind Farms
ECN-E--15-078 EN januari 2016; 33 pag.
Bulder, B.H.; Eecen, P.J.; Pal, A. van der; Beurskens, H.J.M.;
Offshore windenergie, onmisbaar en economisch verantwoord
ECN-O--15-039 NL januari 2016; 9 pag.