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Publicaties van het type Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift in 2007.
O'Regan, B.C.; Durrant, J.R.; Sommeling, P.M.; Bakker, N.J.;
Influence of the TiCl4 Treatment on nanocrystalline TiO2 films in dye-sensitized solar cells. 2. Charge density band edge shifts and quantification of recombination losses at short circuit
ECN-W--07-040 EN april 2008; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Physical Chemistry C (American Chemical Society), 2007, Ed.111, p.14001-14010.
Londo, H.M.; Deurwaarder, E.P.;
Developments in EU biofuels policy related to sustainability: overview and outlook
ECN-W--08-020 EN december 2007; 12 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (Wiley), 2007, Ed.1 (4), p.292-302.
Verlaan, V.; Houweling, Z.S.; Werf, C.H.M. van der; Romijn, I.G.; Weeber, A.W.; Goldbach, H.D.; Schropp, R.E.I.;
Deposition of device quality silicon nitride with ultra high deposition rate (>7 nm/s) using hot wire CVD
ECN-W--07-045 EN december 2007; 3 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Thin Solid Films (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.516, p.533-536.
Veenstra, S.C.; Loos, J.; Kroon, J.M.;
Nanoscale Structure of Solar Cells Based on Pure Conjugated Polymer Blends
ECN-W--07-044 EN december 2007; 14 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications Special Issue on Organic PV (), 2007, Ed.15, p.727-740.
Neelis, M.; Ramirez-Ramirez, A.; Patel, M.; Farla, J.C.M.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Blok, J.G.;
Energy efficiency developments in the Dutch energy-intensive manufacturing industry, 1980–2003
ECN-W--07-048 EN december 2007; 0 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.35, p.6112-6131.
Kok, M.; Coninck, H.C. de;
Widening the scope of policies to address climate change: directions for mainstreaming
ECN-W--07-046 EN november 2007; 12 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Science & Policy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.Volume 10, Issues 7-8, p.587-599 .
Jacobs, C.M.J. ; Jacobs, A.F.G.; Bosveld, F.C.; Hendriks, D.M.D.; Hensen, A.; Kroon, P.S.; Moors, E.J.; Nol, L.; Schrier, A.P.; Veenendaal, E.M.;
Variability of annual CO2 exchange from Dutch grasslands
ECN-W--07-038 EN november 2007; 15 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biogeosciences (Copernicus Publications), 2007, Ed.4, p.803-816.
Lise, W.; Timpe, C.; Jansen, J.C.; Donkelaar, M. ten;
Tracking electricity generation attributes in Europe
ECN-W--07-037 EN november 2007; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.Volume 35, Issue 11, p.5855-5864 .
Geerligs, L.J.; Komatsu, Y.; Rover, I.; Wambach, K.; Yamaga, I; Saitoh, T.;
Precipitates and hydrogen passivation at crystal defects in n- and p-type muliticrystalline silicon
ECN-W--08-011 EN november 2007; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Applied Physics (American Institute of Physics), 2007, Ed.102, 093702, p.-.
Schaeffer, G.J.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Sark, W.G.J.H.M. van; Alsema, E.A.; Junginger, H.M.;
Accuracy of progress ratios determined from experience curves: the case of crystalline silicon photovoltaic module technology development
ECN-W--07-039 EN oktober 2007; 48 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Progress in Photovoltaics (), , Ed., p.-.
Shackley, S.; Waterman, H.; Godfroij, P.; Reiner, D.; Anderson, J.; Draxlbauer, K.; Flach, T.;
Stakeholder perceptions of CO2 capture and storage in Europe, results from a survey.
ECN-W--07-047 EN oktober 2007; 17 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.35, p.5091-5108 .
Diaz, P.; Egido, M.A.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.;
Dependability Analysis of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems
ECN-W--07-036 EN september 2007; 20 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.), 2007, Ed.15, p.245-264.
Puustinen, A.; Hämeri, K.; Pekkanen, J.; Kulmala, M.; Hartog, J. de; Meliefste, K.; Brink, H.M. ten; Kos, G.P.A.; Katsouyanni, K.; Karakatsani, A.; Kotronarou, A.; Kavouras, I.; Meddings, C.; Thomas, S.; Harrison, R.; Ayres, J.G.; Zee, S.C. van der; Hoek, G.;
Spatial variation of particle number and mass over four European cities
ECN-W--07-032 EN augustus 2007; 16 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.41, p.6622-6636.
Tatay, S.; Haque, S.A.; O'Regan, B.C.; Durrant, J.R.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Kroon, J.M.; Vidal-Ferran, A.; Gavina, P.; Palomares, E.;
Kinetic competition in liquid electrolyte and solid-state cyanine dye sensitized solar cells
ECN-W--06-015 EN augustus 2007; 8 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Materials Chemistry (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2007, Ed.17, p.3037-3044.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Grift, J.M.; Conradie, R.E.; Fransen, S.;
Micro Gas Turbine Operation with Biomass Producer Gas and Mixtures of Biomass Producer Gas and Natural Gas
ECN-W--07-029 EN augustus 2007; 7 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy & Fuels (American Chemical Society), 2008, Ed.22, p.1944-1948.
Smit, R.; Weeda, M.; Groot, A. de;
Hydrogen infrastructure development in The Netherlands
ECN-W--07-026 EN augustus 2007; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.32, p.1387-1395.
Slooff, L.H.; Kinderman, R.; Burgers, A.R.; Bakker, N.J.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Büchtemann, A.; Danz, R.; Schleusener, M.;
Efficiency enhancement of solar cells by application of a polymer coating containing a luminescent dye
ECN-RX--06-001 EN augustus 2007; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Transactions of the ASME (ASME), 2007, Ed.129, p.272-276.
Kinderman, R.; Slooff, L.H.; Burgers, A.R.; Bakker, N.J.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Büchtemann, A.; Danz, R.;
Stability study of dyes for luminescent plate concentrators
ECN-RX--06-002 EN augustus 2007; 6 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Transactions of the ASME (ASME), 2007, Ed.129, p.277-282.
Uyterlinde, M.A.; Junginger, H.M.; Vries, H.J. de; Faaij, A; Turkenburg, W.;
Implications of technological learning on the prospects for renewable energy technologies in Europe
ECN-W--07-042 EN augustus 2007; 15 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), August 2007, Ed.Volume 35, Issue 8, p.4072-4087.
Verlaan, V.; Houweling, Z.S.; Werf, C.H.M. van der; Romijn, I.G.; Weeber, A.W.; Goldbach, H.D.; Schropp, R.E.I.;
Deposition of device quality silicon nitride with ultra high deposition rate (>7 nm/s) using hot-wire CVD
ECN-W--07-028 EN juli 2007; 15 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Thin Solid Films (Elsevier), 2007, Ed., p.-.
Wagner, C.; Hanisch, F.; Holmes, N.; Coninck, H.C. de; Schuster, G.; Crowley, J.N.;
The interaction of N2O5 with mineral dust: Aerosol flow tube and Knudsen reactor studies
ECN-W--07-022 EN juli 2007; 19 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (Copernicus Publications), 2007, Ed.7, p.13291-13343.
Verlaan, V.; Werf, C.H.M. van der; Houweling, Z.S.; Romijn, I.G.; Weeber, A.W.; Dekkers, H.F.W.; Goldbach, H.D.;
Multi-Crystalline Si Solar Cells with Very Fast Deposited (180 nm/min) Passivating Hot-Wire CVD Silicon Nitride as Antireflection Coating
ECN-W--07-025 EN juni 2007; 0 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.), 2007, Ed.4 July 2007, p.-.
Rens, G.L.M.A. van; Woude, R.R. van der; Kos, G.P.A.; Kuipers, J.; Witkamp, G.J.; Stapersma, D.;
Proving the possibility of physical removal of particulate matter with the SJAC-technology
ECN-W--07-024 EN juni 2007; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology (Springer), 2007, Ed.A9, p.29-37.
Coletti, G.; Geerligs, L.J.; Manshanden, P.; Swanson, C.; Riepe, S.; Warta, W.; Arumughan, J.; Kopecek, R.;
Impact of iron and molybdenum in mono and multicrystalline float-zon silicon solar cells
ECN-W--07-023 EN juni 2007; 6 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Solid State Phenomena (), 2007, Ed.published online June 13, p.-.
Vente, J.F.; Veen, H.M. van; Pex, P.P.A.C.;
Microporous sol-gel membranes for molecular separations
ECN-W--07-020 EN mei 2007; 19 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Ann. Chim. Sci. Mat. (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.32(2), p.231-244.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Witkamp, G.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Cost evaluation of CO2 sequestration by aqueous mineral carbonation
ECN-W--07-014 EN mei 2007; 13 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.48, p.1923-1935.
Wadman, S.H.; Kroon, J.M.; Bakker, N.J.; Lutz, M.; Spek, A.L.; Klink, G.P.M. van; Koten, G. van;
Cyclometalated ruthenium complexes for sensitizing nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells
ECN-W--07-021 EN april 2007; 3 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Chemcomm (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2007, Ed.april, p.1907-1909.
Slooff, L.H.; Veenstra, S.C.; Kroon, J.M.; Moet, D.J.D.; Sweelssen, J.; Koetse, M.M.;
Determining the internal quantum efficiency of highly efficient polymer solar cells through optical modeling
ECN-W--07-004 EN april 2007; 3 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Applied Physics Letters (American Institute of Physics), 2007, Ed.90, 143506, p.-.
Bomb, Christian ; McCormick, Kes; Deurwaarder, E.P.; Kåberger, Tomas;
Biofuels for transport in Europe: Lessons from Germany and the UK
ECN-W--07-008 EN april 2007; 11 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.Volume 35, Issue 4, p.2256-2267.
Raven, R.P.J.M.;
Niche accumulation and hybridisation strategies in transition processes towards a sustainable energy system: an assessment of differences and pitfalls
ECN-W--07-035 EN april 2007; 11 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), April 2007, Ed.Volume 35, Issue 4, p.2390-2400 .
Neuhoff, Karsten; Åhman, Markus ; Betz, Regina; Cludius, Johanna ; Ferrario, Federico ; Holmgren, Kristina ; Pal, Gabriella ; Grubb, Michael; Matthes, Felix ; Rogge, Karoline ; Sato, Misato; Schleich, Joachim; Sijm, J.P.M.; Tuerk, Andreas ; Kettner, Claudia ; Walker, Neil ;
Implications of announced phase II national allocation plans for the EU ETS
ECN-W--07-019 EN maart 2007; 11 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Climate Policy (Earthscan), 2006, Ed.6, p.411-422.
Kooistra, F.B.; Knol, J.; Kastenberg, F.; Popescu, L.M.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Kroon, J.M.; Hummelen, J.C.;
Increasing the open circuit voltage of bulk-heterojunction solar cells by raising the LUMO level of the acceptor
ECN-W--06-014 EN maart 2007; 4 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Organic Letters (American Chemical Society), 2007, Ed.9, p.551-554.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
Price elasticities, policy measures and actual developments in household energy consumption - A bottom up analysis for the Netherlands
ECN-W--06-006 EN maart 2007; 48 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Economics (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.Volume 29, Issue 2, p.133-157.
Haije, W.G.; Veldhuis, J.B.J.; Smeding, S.F.; Grisel, R.J.H.;
Solid/vapour sorption heat transformer: Design and performance
ECN-W--07-016 EN februari 2007; 7 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.27, p.1371-1376.
Ouweltjes, J.P.; Aravind, P.V.; Woudstra, N.; Rietveld, G.;
Biosyngas Utilization in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Ni/GDC Anodes
ECN-W--07-015 EN februari 2007; 8 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology (ASME), 2006, Ed.3, p.495-498.
Haije, W.G.; Bevers, E.R.T.; Ekeren, P.J. van; Oonk, H.A.J.;
Thermodynamic properties of lithium chloride ammonia complexes for application in a high-lift high temperature chemical heat pump
ECN-W--07-012 EN januari 2007; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer US), 2006, Ed.Vol. 86, 3, p.825-832.
Bonekamp, B.C.; Horssen, A. van; Correia, L.A.; Vente, J.F.; Haije, W.G.;
Macroporous Support Coatings for Molecular Separation Membranes having a Minimum Defect Density
ECN-W--07-013 EN januari 2007; 18 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Membrane Science (Elsevier), 2006, Ed.278, p.349-356.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Sark, W.G.J.H.M. van; Turkenburg, W.;
A new method for estimating insolation based on PV-module currents in a cluster of stand-alone solar systems
ECN-W--07-011 EN januari 2007; 34 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.), 2007, Ed.15, p.387-404.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Visscher, K.; Schaeffer, G.J.; Hommelberg, M.P.F.; Kester, J.C.P.;
Feasibility of distributed electricity storage
ECN-W--07-009 EN januari 2007; 21 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, ISSI (T&S Publishers), 2006, Ed.volume 2, number 4, October - December 2006, p.-.
Bruijn, F.A. de; Dam, V.A.T.;
The stability of PEMFC electrodes: Platinum dissolution versus potential and temperature investigated by Quartz Crystal Microbalance
ECN-W--07-010 EN januari 2007; 24 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), 2007, Ed.154(5), p.494-499.
Pieterse, J.A.Z.; Pirngruber, G.D.;
The synergy between Fe and Ru in N2O decomposition over FeRu-FER catalysts
ECN-W--07-006 EN januari 2007; 25 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Catalysis (Elsevier), 2006, Ed.243, p.340-349.
Vente, J.F.; Haije, W.G.; Mcintosh, S.; Blank, D.H.A.; Bouwmeester, H.J.M.;
Structure and oxygen stoichiometry of SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3-d and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d
ECN-W--06-017 EN januari 2007; 7 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Solid State Ionics (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Cecchetto, E.; Slooff, L.H.; Cola, L. de; Zhang, H.;
Femtosecond spectroscopic studies of photoinduced electron transfer in MDMO-PPV:ZnO hybrid bulk heterojunctions
ECN-W--07-001 EN januari 2007; 3 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Luminescence (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.122-123, p.546-548.
Kroon, J.M.; Bakker, N.J.; Smit, H.J.P.; Liska, P.; Thampi, K.R.; Graetzel, M.; Hinsch, A.; Hore, S.; Wuerfel, U.; Sastrawan, R.; Durrant, J.R.; Palomares, E.; Pettersson, H.; Gruszecki, T.; Walter, J.; Skupien, K.; Tulloch, G.E.; Wang, P.; Zakeeruddin, S.M.;
Nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells having maximum performance
ECN-RX--06-003 EN 2007; 18 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.), 2007, Ed.15, p.1-18.