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ECN publicatie:
Micro Gas Turbine Operation with Biomass Producer Gas and Mixtures of Biomass Producer Gas and Natural Gas
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Grift, J.M.; Conradie, R.E.; Fransen, S.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Biomassa, Kolen en Milieuonderzoek 24-8-2007
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-W--07-029 Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
Aantal pagina's:

Gepubliceerd in: Energy & Fuels (American Chemical Society), , 2008, Vol.22, p.1944-1948.

We report the performance of a standard commercial micro gas turbine on biomass producer gas and mixtures of biomass producer gas with natural gas. The micro gas turbine delivers full power on gas mixtures with a net heating value of at least 15 MJ/Nm3. For gas of lower heating value, the maximum fuel gas flow limits the attainable power. At reduced power, the lower limit for stable operation is a net heating value of about 8 MJ/Nm3. The gross efficiency of the micro gas turbine depends on output power but not on the gas heating value, within our measurement accuracy. Above 70% of full power, emissions of CO, unburned hydrocarbons and NO are over 200 times, 15 times and 3 times lower than those of a gas engine of similar size. At part load below 70% of full power, the micro gas turbine burner switches to a different operating mode which produces higher CO and NO levels. The CO emission remains far below that of a gas engine, the NO emission becomes similar.

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