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Publicaties van het type Conferentiebijdrage in 2012.
Lindenburg, C.;
Analytical verification of flutter prediction for large wind turbine rotor blades
ECN-M--12-077 EN december 2012; 2 pag.
Brouwer, A.S.; Broek, M.A. van den ; Seebregts, A.J.; Faaij, A.P.C.;
The flexibility requirements for power plants with CCS in a future energy system with a large share of intermittent renewable energy sources
ECN-M--12-078 EN december 2012; 8 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Terwel, B.W.;
‘I reject your reality and substitute my own!’ Why more knowledge about CO2 storage hardly improves public attitudes
ECN-M--12-079 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Brouwer, A.S.; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.;
Communicating CCS: Effects of text-only and text-and-visual depictions of CO2 storage on risk perceptions and attitudes.
ECN-M--12-080 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Einsiedel, E.; Ashworth, P.; Howell, R.; Brunsting, S.; Boughen, N.; Boyd, A.; Shackley, S.; Bree, B. van; Jeanneret, T.; Stenner, K.; Medlock, J.; Mabon, L.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Public preferences to CCS: How does it change across countries?
ECN-M--12-081 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Pol, M.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.; Hepplewhite, F.; Loveridge, R.; Mazurowski, M.; Rybicki, C.;
Social Site Characterisation for CO2 storage operations to inform public engagement in Poland and Scotland.
ECN-M--12-082 EN december 2012; 10 pag.
Neele, F.P.; Delprat-Jannaud, F.; Vincké, O.; Volpi, V.; Nepveu, M.; Hofstee, C.; Wollenweber, J.; Lothe, A.; Brunsting, S.; Pearce, J.; Battani, A.; Baroni, A.; Garcia, B.;
The SiteChar approach to efficient and focused CO2 storage site characterisation
ECN-M--12-083 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Neele, F.P.; Mikunda, T.; Seebregts, A.J.; Santen, S.; Burgt, A. van der; Stiff, S.; Hustad, C.;
A roadmap towards a European CO2 transport infrastructure
ECN-M--12-084 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Haunstrup Christensen, T.; Gram-Hanssen, K.; Adjei, A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Energy renovation practices in Danish homes: The influence of energy labels on home renovation practices
ECN-M--12-072 EN november 2012; 18 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA2011), Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 september 2011.
Jansen, M.J.; Okel, L.A.G.; Schilden, R.A. van der; Romijn, I.G.; Geerligs, L.J.; Aken, B.B. van;
Improved heat dissipation for hot spots in MWT laminates
ECN-M--12-062 EN november 2012; 4 pag.
Guillevin, N.; Heurtault, B.; Geerligs, L.J.; Anker, J.; Aken, B.B. van; Bennett, I.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Berkeveld, L.D.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.; Wenchao, Zhao; Jianming, Wang; Ziqian, Wang; Yingle, Chen; Yanlong,  Shen; Zhiyan, Hu ; Gaofei, Li ; Jianhui, Chen; Bo, Yu; Shuquan, Tian; Jingfeng, Xiong ;
Further efficiency improvements of the n-type MWT Si solar cells using industrial processes
ECN-M--12-063 EN november 2012; 4 pag.
Romijn, I.G.; Aken, B.B. van; Anker, J.; Burgers, A.R.; Gutjahr, A.; Heurtault, B.; Koppes, M.; Kossen, E.J.; Lamers, M.W.P.E.; Saynova - Oosterling, D.S.; Tool, C.J.J.; Fang,  Lang; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Gaofei, Li ; Zhuo, Xu; Hongfang, Wang; Zhiyan, Hu ; Venema, P.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.;
Industrial implementation of efficiency improvements in n-type solar cells and modules
ECN-M--12-065 EN november 2012; 7 pag.
Tool, C.J.J.; Kossen, E.J.; Bennett, I.J.; Kloos, M.J.H.; Eerenstein, W.;
Improved efficiency and cost of ownership for p-type MWT cell and module technology
ECN-M--12-071 EN november 2012; 8 pag.
Sanderse, B.;
Immersed Actuator Methods
ECN-M--12-066 EN oktober 2012; 23 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.; Eecen, P.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The influence of wind farms on the wind speed above the wind farms
ECN-M--12-067 EN oktober 2012; 8 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.; Eecen, P.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The influence of wind farms on the wind speed above the wind farms
ECN-M--12-068 EN oktober 2012; 21 pag.
Motelica, A.; Bruinsma, O.S.L.; Kreiter, R.; Exter, M.J. den; Vente, J.F.;
Retrofit with membrane the Paraffin/Olefin separation
ECN-M--12-059 EN oktober 2012; 25 pag.
Rosca, V.; Bennett, I.J.; Eerenstein, W.;
Systematic reliability studies of back-contact photovoltaic modules
ECN-M--12-041 EN oktober 2012; 5 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: SPIE Symposium, San Diego, USA, 26-30 augustus 2007.
Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Coletti, G.; Barton, P.C.; Manshanden, P.; Geerligs, L.J.;
Differences in reverse bias voltage behavior of n-type and p-type multicrystalline solar cells
ECN-M--12-025 EN oktober 2012; 7 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Silicon PV Conference, Leuven, 3-5 april 2012.
Guillevin, N.; Heurtault, B.; Aken, B.B. van; Bennett, I.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Geerligs, L.J.; Berkeveld, L.D.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.; Zhiyan, Hu ; Gaofei, Li ; Wenchao, Zhao; Jianming, Wang; Ziqian, Wang; Yingle, Chen; Yanlong,  Shen; Jianhui, Chen; Bo, Yu; Shuquan, Tian; Jingfeng, Xiong ;
High efficiency n-type metal wrap through cells and modules
ECN-M--12-028 EN oktober 2012; 7 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Silicon PV Conference, Leuven, 3-5 april 2012.
Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Weeber, A.W.;
Introducing XIS, a new integrated device and module concept
ECN-M--12-029 EN oktober 2012; 6 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Silicon PV Conference, Leuven, 3-5 april 2012.
Manshanden, P.; Coletti, G.;
Solar cells from 120 PPMA carbon-contaminated feedstock without significantly higher reverse current or shunt
ECN-M--12-046 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Janssen, G.J.M.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Manshanden, P.; Bruijne, M. de; Bende, E.E.;
Qualification of multi-crystalline silicon wafers by optical imaging for industrial use
ECN-M--12-047 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Guillevin, N.; Heurtault, B.; Geerligs, L.J.; Anker, J.; Aken, B.B. van; Bennett, I.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Berkeveld, L.D.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.; Wenchao, Zhao; Jianming, Wang; Ziqian, Wang; Yingle, Chen; Yanlong,  Shen; Zhiyan, Hu ; Gaofei, Li ; Jianhui, Chen; Bo, Yu; Shuquan, Tian; Jingfeng, Xiong ;
279 Watt Metal-Wrap-Through module using industrial processes
ECN-M--12-048 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Romijn, I.G.; Aken, B.B. van; Anker, J.; Burgers, A.R.; Gutjahr, A.; Heurtault, B.; Koppes, M.; Kossen, E.J.; Lamers, M.W.P.E.; Saynova - Oosterling, D.S.; Tool, C.J.J.; Fang,  Lang; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Gaofei, Li ; Zhuo, Xu; Hongfang, Wang; Zhiyan, Hu ; Venema, P.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.;
Industrial implementation of efficiency improvements in n-type solar cells and modules
ECN-M--12-049 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Soppe, W.J.; Dorenkamper, M.S.; Notta, J.B.; Pex, P.P.A.C.; Schipper, W.; Wilde, R.;
Nano imprint lithography of textures for light trapping in thin film silicon solar cells
ECN-M--12-050 EN september 2012; 3 pag.
Janssen, G.J.M.; Slooff, L.H.; Bende, E.E.;
2D - Finite element model of a CIGS module
ECN-M--12-051 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Dekker, N.J.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Bennett, I.J.; Eerenstein, W.;
Characterization of full size MWT back contact and H-pattern modules by outdoor IV-tracing measurements and explanation of the difference in energy yield
ECN-M--12-052 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Broek, K.M.; Bennett, I.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Eerenstein, W.;
Light and current induced degradation in p-type multi-crystalline cells and development of an inspection method and a stabilization method
ECN-M--12-053 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Olson, C.L.; Veltkamp, A.C.; Sinke, W.C.;
The external costs of electricity generation: A comparison of environmental damage of silicon photovoltaic electricity, produced with different electricity mixes, vs natural gas and coal
ECN-M--12-054 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Cascant, M.; Morecroft, D.; Boulif, K.; Vauche, L.; Yuste, H.; Bende, E.E.; Castano, F.J.;
Front surface field formation and diffusion profiles for industrial interdigitated back contact solar cells
ECN-M--12-055 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Vermont, P.; Granneman, E.; Ernst, M.A.; Cesar, I.; Mewe, A.A.; Weeber, A.W.;
Spatial ALD Al2O3 film integrated in low-cost, high-performance bifacial solar cells
ECN-M--12-056 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Wenchao, Zhao; Jianming, Wang; Yanlong,  Shen; Ziqian, Wang; Yingle, Chen; Shuquan, Tian; Zhiliang, Wan; Bo, Yu; Gaofei, Li ; Zhiyan, Hu ; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Guillevin, N.; Heurtault, B.; Aken, B.B. van; Bennett, I.J.; Geerligs, L.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.;
Efficiency improvements by Metal Wrap Through technology for n-type Si solar cells and modules
ECN-M--12-057 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Andriessen, R.; Kroon, J.M.; Aernouts, T. ; Janssen, R.;
Towards low cost, efficient and stable organic photovoltaic modules
ECN-M--12-058 EN september 2012; 5 pag.
Kuhlbusch, T.A.J.; Viana, M.; Weijers, E.P.; Borowiak, A.; Torseth, K.; Querol, X.; Quincey, P.; Gehrig, R.; Hüglin, C; Katsyouanni, K.; Quass, U.;
Air Quality Monitoring Strategies for Urban Areas – A Data Base on New Monitoring Technologies, New Metrics and Proxies
ECN-M--12-045 EN september 2012; 1 pag.
Daniëls, B.W.; Wemmers, A.K.; Tigchelaar, C.; Wetzels, W.;
Dutch industrial waste heat in district heating: Wasted effort?
ECN-M--12-060 EN september 2012; 1 pag.
Tijani, M.E.H.; Spoelstra, S.;
A hot air driven thermoacoustic-Stirling engine
ECN-M--12-044 EN september 2012; 7 pag.
Pal, M. van der; Wemmers, A.K.; Smeding, S.F.; Boer, R. de;
Technical and Economical Feasibility of the Hybrid Adsorption Compression Heat Pump Concept for Industrial Applications
ECN-M--12-074 EN september 2012; 8 pag.
Ferchaud, C.J.; Zondag, H.A.; Rubino, A.; Boer, R. de;
Seasonal Sorption Heat Storage – Research On Thermochemical Materials And Storage Performance
ECN-M--12-070 EN september 2012; 8 pag.
Swaluw, E. van der; Keuken, M. P.; Weijers, E.P.; Schaap, M.; Kos, G.P.A.; Matthijssen, J.; Denier van der Gon, H.; Hoogerbrugge, R.;
Some results from the second Netherlands Research Program on Particulate Matter (BOP II)
ECN-M--12-042 EN september 2012; 1 pag.
Staelens, J.; Kos, G.P.A.; Weijers, E.P.; Jonge, D. de; Frijns, E.; Berghmans, P.; Matheeussen, C.; Roekens, E.;
Environmental monitoring of ultrafine particles in NW Europe (Joaquin project)
ECN-M--12-043 EN september 2012; 1 pag.
Rubino, A.; Boer, R. de;
Seasonal Storage of Solar Heat: Reactor Modeling
ECN-M--12-014 EN september 2012; 9 pag.
Aken, B.B. van; Duchamp, M.; Boothroyd, C.B.; Dunin-Borkowski, R.E.; Soppe, W.J.;
EELS measurements of boron concentration profiles in p-a-Si and nip a-Si solar cells
ECN-M--11-104 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Aken, B.B. van; Loffler, J.; Heijna, M.; Soppe, W.J.;
Inline deposited thin-film silicon solar cells on imprinted foil using linear PECVD sources
ECN-M--11-105 EN september 2012; 4 pag.
Ferchaud, C.J.; Zondag, H.A.; Boer, R. de; Rindt, C;
Characterization of the sorption process in thermochemical materials for seasonal solar heat storage application
ECN-M--12-040 EN augustus 2012; 11 pag.
Olibet, S.; Rudolph, D.; Cabrera, E.; Hoornstra, J.; Carr, A.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Fu, Y.; Kopecek, R.;
What makes a high-performing screen-printed Ag contact? Realities and idealities from microscopical insight
ECN-M--12-039 EN juli 2012; 5 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 22nd Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells & Modules: Materials and Processes, Vail, Colorado, USA, 22-25 juli 2012.
Lycklama a Nijeholt, J.A.; Tijani, M.E.H.; Spoelstra, S.; Loginov, M.S.; Kuczaj, A.K.;
ECN-M--12-030 EN juli 2012; 9 pag.
Tijani, M.E.H.; Spoelstra, S.;
ECN-M--12-031 EN juli 2012; 9 pag.
Joode, J. de; Plomp, A.J.; Ozdemir, O.;
A model-based analysis of the implications of shale gas developments for the European gas market
ECN-M--12-023 EN juni 2012; 7 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Hybrid Optimization for Wind Turbine Thick Airfoils
ECN-M--12-022 EN juni 2012; 13 pag.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.; Drift, A. van der; Meijden, C.M. van der;
ECN-M--12-018 EN juni 2012; 6 pag.
Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Mewe, A.A.; Janssen, G.J.M.; Stodolny, M.K.; Cobussen - Pool, E.M.; Bennett, I.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Geerligs, L.J.;
Crystalline Silicon Interconnected Strips (XIS): Introduction to a new integrated device and module concept
ECN-M--12-019 EN juni 2012; 7 pag.
Geerligs, L.J.; Romijn, I.G.; Burgers, A.R.; Guillevin, N.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.; Wang, Hongfang; Fang,  Lang; Wenchao, Zhao; Gaofei, Li ; Zhiyan, Hu ; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.;
Progress in low-cost n-type silicon solar cell technology
ECN-M--12-020 EN juni 2012; 4 pag.
Wenchao, Zhao; Jianming, Wang; Yanlong,  Shen; Ziqian, Wang; Yingle, Chen; Hu, Zhiyan; Gaofei, Li ; Jianhui, Chen; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Guillevin, N.; Heurtault, B.; Geerligs, L.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.;
0.35% Absolute Efficiency Gain of Bifacial N-type Si Solar cells by Industrial Metal Wrap Through Technology
ECN-M--12-021 EN juni 2012; 3 pag.
Cesar, I.; Mewe, A.A.; Granneman, E.; Vermont, P.; Weeber, A.W.;
Improved Performance of Uncapped Al2O3 and Local Firing-Through Al-BSF in Bi-facial Solar Cells
ECN-M--12-015 EN juni 2012; 6 pag.
Song, Dengyuan; Xiong, Jingfeng; Hu, Zhiyan; Li, Gaofei; Wang, Hongfang; An, Haijiao; Grenko, Brian; Borden, Kevin; Sauer, Kenneth; Roessler, Thomas; Cui, Jianhua; Wang, Haitao; Bultman, J.H.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.; Venema, P.;
Progress in N-type Si Solar Cell and Module Technology for High Efficiency and Low Cost
ECN-M--12-016 EN juni 2012; 5 pag.
Janssen, G.J.M.; Slooff, L.H.; Bende, E.E.;
2D – Finite element model of a CIGS module
ECN-M--12-017 EN juni 2012; 5 pag.
Guthrey, H.; Gorman, B.; Coletti, G.; Al-Jassim, M.;
A model for electron-beam-induced current analysis of mc-Si addressing defect contrast behavior in heavily contaminated PV material
ECN-M--12-075 EN juni 2012; 5 pag.
Bernardini, S.; Saynova - Oosterling, D.S.; Binetti, S.; Coletti, G.;
Light-induced degradation in compensated mc-Si p-type solar cell
ECN-M--12-061 EN juni 2012; 6 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
Development of a leaching test for metal surfaces
ECN-M--12-032 EN mei 2012; 1 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Zomeren, A. van;
Recent developments towards standardisation in geochemical modelling of leaching processes
ECN-M--12-033 EN mei 2012; 7 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
Development of leaching tests for (recycled) metal surfaces: theory, test results and practice
ECN-M--12-034 EN mei 2012; 4 pag.
Zomeren, A. van; Toller, S.; Schaik, J.W.J. van; Berggren Kleja, D.; Gustafsson, J.P.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Geochemical modeling of Copper (II) speciation in MSWI bottom ash leachates
ECN-M--12-035 EN mei 2012; 4 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Hjelmar, O.; Wahlström, M.; Kalbe, U.; Grathwohl, P.; Mehu, J.; Schiopu, N.; Hyks, J.; Laine-Ylijoki, J.; Zomeren, A. van; Krüger, O.; Schoknecht, U.; Wendel, T.; Abdelghafour, M.; Borho, N.;
Robustness validation of two harmonized European leaching tests for assessment of the leaching of construction products, including waste-based construction materials
ECN-M--12-036 EN mei 2012; 5 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Spijker, J.; Groenenberg, B.J.;
Risk assessment of emission from (secondary) construction products and contaminated soil, an example of a general approach applied in the Netherlands
ECN-M--12-037 EN mei 2012; 4 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Kosson, D.; Hjelmar, O.; Seignette, P.F.A.B.; Garrabrants, A.C.; Zomeren, A. van;
A reference database in LeachXS™ Lite for release of substances from construction products including alternative materials.
ECN-M--12-038 EN mei 2012; 10 pag.
Daza Montano, C.M.; Pels, J.R.; Fryda, L.E.; Zwart, R.W.R.;
Evaluation of Torrefied Bamboo for Sustainable Bioenergy Production
ECN-M--12-013 EN mei 2012; 11 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Eecen, P.J.; Holtslag, M.C.;
Database of measurements on the offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee
ECN-M--12-012 EN april 2012; 8 pag.
Meijden, C.M. van der; Drift, A. van der; Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
Benefits of Allothermal Biomass Gasification for Co-Firing
ECN-M--12-008 EN april 2012; 14 pag.
Wagenaar, J.W.; Machielse, L.A.H.; Schepers, J.G.;
Controlling Wind in ECN's Scaled Wind Farm
ECN-M--12-007 EN april 2012; 13 pag.
Romijn, I.G.; Burgers, A.R.; Geerligs, L.J.; Carr, A.J.; Gutjahr, A.; Saynova - Oosterling, D.S.; Anker, J.; Koppes, M.; Fang,  Lang; Jingfeng, Xiong ; Gaofei, Li ; Zhuo, Xu; Hongfang, Wang; Zhiyan, Hu ; Venema, P.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.;
Optimizing screen printed n-type solar cells towards 20% efficiency
ECN-M--12-009 EN maart 2012; 5 pag.
Eerenstein, W.; Bennett, I.J.; Späth, M.; Dekker, N.J.J.; Rosca, V.;
Back Contact Module Technology
ECN-M--12-010 EN maart 2012; 8 pag.
Guillevin, N.; Heurtault, B.; Aken, B.B. van; Bennett, I.J.; Jansen, M.J.; Berkeveld, L.D.; Geerligs, L.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Zhiyan, Hu ; Gaofei, Li ; Wenchao, Zhao; Jianming, Wang; Ziqian,  Wang; Yingle, Chen; Yanlong,  Shen; Jianhui, Chen; Bo, Yu; Shuquan, Tian; Jingfeng, Xiong ;
Development towards 20% efficient n-type Si MWT solar cells for low-cost industrial production
ECN-M--12-011 EN maart 2012; 14 pag.
Bakker, M.;
Thermochemical Storage Systems
ECN-M--11-110 EN februari 2012; 28 pag.
Boorsma, K.; Grasso, F.; Holierhoek, J.G.;
Enhanced approach for simulation of rotor aerodynamic loads
ECN-M--12-003 EN februari 2012; 17 pag.
Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.;
Enhanced wind turbine noise prediction tool SILANT
ECN-M--12-004 EN februari 2012; 17 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Development of thick airfoils for wind turbines
ECN-M--12-001 EN januari 2012; 12 pag.
Ceyhan, O.;
Towards 20MW wind turbine: High Reynolds number effects on rotor design
ECN-M--12-002 EN januari 2012; 15 pag.
Jansen, J.C.;
Expansion of the Swedish elcert certificates system to the Netherlands; a cost-benefit analysis
ECN-M--11-108 EN januari 2012; 8 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
ECN-M--11-109 EN januari 2012; 12 pag.