Publicaties van unit Beleidsstudies in 2012.
Joode, J. de;
European gas market developments in different energy transition scenarios
ECN-L--12-084 EN december 2012; 23 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: EDC, ‘Gas Quality and Energy Transition’, Groningen, Nederland, 23 november 2011.
Gerdes, J.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
Energiebesparing in Nederland 2000-2010
ECN-E--12-061 NL december 2012; 23 pag.
Murphy, D.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.; Sawyer, D.; Dion, J.; McFatridge, S.; Cameron, L.R.; Saidi, M.A.R.; Tilburg, X. van; Minang, P.A.; Owino, T.; Olum, P.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Pathway
ECN-B--12-016 EN december 2012; 18 pag.
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Investing EU ETS auction revenues into energy savings - the interaction between the ETS and EE Directives
ECN-L--12-087 EN december 2012; 31 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Colloquium at UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, 11 December 2012.
Lako, P.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Lensink, S.M.; Groen, B. in 't;
Aanvullend advies geothermie in SDE+ 2013
ECN-N--12-025 NL december 2012; 12 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Basisbedragen in de SDE+ 2013, Eindadvies
ECN-E--12-038 NL december 2012; 67 pag.
Best - Waldhober, M. de; Dowd, A.M.; Rodriguez, M.; Straver, K.; Jeanneret, T.; Mastop, E.A.; Paukovic, M.;
Deliberating emission reduction options
ECN-O--12-037 EN december 2012; 116 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Würtenberger, L.;
Assessing and communicating development impacts
ECN-L--12-070 EN december 2012; 10 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: UNFCCC COP18, Doha, Qatar, 3 December 2012.
Neele, F.P.; Mikunda, T.; Seebregts, A.J.; Santen, S.; Burgt, A. van der; Stiff, S.; Hustad, C.;
A roadmap towards a European CO2 transport infrastructure
ECN-M--12-084 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Brouwer, A.S.; Broek, M.A. van den ; Seebregts, A.J.; Faaij, A.P.C.;
The flexibility requirements for power plants with CCS in a future energy system with a large share of intermittent renewable energy sources
ECN-M--12-078 EN december 2012; 8 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Terwel, B.W.;
‘I reject your reality and substitute my own!’ Why more knowledge about CO2 storage hardly improves public attitudes
ECN-M--12-079 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Brouwer, A.S.; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.;
Communicating CCS: Effects of text-only and text-and-visual depictions of CO2 storage on risk perceptions and attitudes.
ECN-M--12-080 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Einsiedel, E.; Ashworth, P.; Howell, R.; Brunsting, S.; Boughen, N.; Boyd, A.; Shackley, S.; Bree, B. van; Jeanneret, T.; Stenner, K.; Medlock, J.; Mabon, L.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Public preferences to CCS: How does it change across countries?
ECN-M--12-081 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Pol, M.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.; Hepplewhite, F.; Loveridge, R.; Mazurowski, M.; Rybicki, C.;
Social Site Characterisation for CO2 storage operations to inform public engagement in Poland and Scotland.
ECN-M--12-082 EN december 2012; 10 pag.
Neele, F.P.; Delprat-Jannaud, F.; Vincké, O.; Volpi, V.; Nepveu, M.; Hofstee, C.; Wollenweber, J.; Lothe, A.; Brunsting, S.; Pearce, J.; Battani, A.; Baroni, A.; Garcia, B.;
The SiteChar approach to efficient and focused CO2 storage site characterisation
ECN-M--12-083 EN december 2012; 9 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Stralen, J. van;
Effect Groene Investeringsmaatschappij op SDE
ECN-N--12-029 NL november 2012; 8 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Davis, S.; Escalante, D.; Finnegan, J.; Hänsel, G.; Jung, M.; Koshla, S.; Levin, K.; Rich, D.; Röser, F.; Tilburg, X. van; Vit, C. de; Wienges, S.; Würtenberger, L.;
Annual Status Report on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) 2012
ECN-O--12-036 EN november 2012; 59 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van; Gerdes, J.; Marbus, S.; Boelhouwer, M.;
Energie Trends 2012
ECN-B--12-005 NL november 2012; 90 pag.
Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Straver, K.; Mont, O.; Tigchelaar, C.; Breukers, S.C.;
SPREAD D6 Sustainable Lifestyles Research Agenda - Executive Summary
ECN-B--12-007 EN november 2012; 8 pag.
Wetzels, W.; Warmenhoven, H.; Smekens, K.E.L.; Lako, P.;
Evaluatie van de MEI-regeling
ECN-E--12-046 NL november 2012; 40 pag.
Best - Waldhober, M. de; Brunsting, S.; Paukovic, M.;
Public concepts of CCS: Understanding of the Dutch general public and its reflection in the media
ECN-W--12-050 EN november 2012; 0 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), November 2012, Ed.11, p.139-147.
Best - Waldhober, M. de; Daamen, D.D.L.; Ramirez-Ramirez, A.; Faaij, A; Hendriks, C.; Visser, E. de;
Informed public opinion in the Netherlands: Evaluation of CO2 capture and storage technologies in comparison with other CO2 mitigation options
ECN-W--12-051 EN november 2012; 0 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), September 2012, Ed.10, p.169-180.
Haunstrup Christensen, T.; Gram-Hanssen, K.; Adjei, A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Energy renovation practices in Danish homes: The influence of energy labels on home renovation practices
ECN-M--12-072 EN november 2012; 18 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA2011), Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 september 2011.
Itoaka, K.; Saito, A.; Paukovic, M.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Dowd, A.M.; Jeanneret, T.; Ashworth, P.; James, M.;
Understanding how individuals perceive carbon dioxide
ECN-E--12-056 EN november 2012; 110 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Pol, M.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.;
SiteChar D8.2. Characterisation of European CO2 storage, trust building and raising public awareness
ECN-O--12-020 EN november 2012; 70 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van;
Financial effects of ETS Set Aside
ECN-N--12-019 EN november 2012; 10 pag.
Tigchelaar, C.;
Achtergrondrapport bij herijking Convenanten energiebesparing gebouwde omgeving
ECN-E--12-051 NL november 2012; 71 pag.
Rademaekers, K.; Veen, R. van der; Williams, R.; Boeve, S.; Toledo, G. van; Bleyl, J.W.; Sijm, J.P.M.; Vethman, P.; Wurtenberger, L.; Jablonska, B.; Tilburg, X. van; Saidi, M.A.R.;
Local investments options in Energy Efficiency in the built environment - An overview of good practices
ECN-O--12-044 EN november 2012; 150 pag.
Blanco, G.; Coninck, H.C. de; Würtenberger, L.;
Policy Brief: The Technology Mechanism under the UNFCCC: Ways Forward
ECN-O--12-030 EN november 2012; 10 pag.
Harmelink, M.; Bosselaar, L.; Gerdes, J.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Segers, R.; Pouwelse, H.; Verdonk, M.;
Berekening van de CO2-emissies, het primair fossiel energieverbruik en het rendement van elektriciteit in Nederland
ECN-O--12-022 NL oktober 2012; 25 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Base rates in the SDE+ 2013. Final advice.
ECN-E--12-053 EN oktober 2012; 68 pag.
Murphy, D.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.; Sawyer, D.; Dion, J.; McFatridge, S.; Cameron, L.R.; Saidi, M.A.R.; Tilburg, X. van; Minang, P.A.; Owino, T.; Olum, P.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Executive Summary
ECN-B--12-009 EN oktober 2012; 27 pag.
Kroon, P.; Weeda, M.; Appels, D.;
An international perspective on electric transportation. Survey on electric road transport 2012
ECN-E--12-043 EN september 2012; 42 pag.
Daniëls, B.W.; Wemmers, A.K.; Tigchelaar, C.; Wetzels, W.;
Dutch industrial waste heat in district heating: Wasted effort?
ECN-M--12-060 EN september 2012; 1 pag.
Kroon, P.;
Effecten van de afschaffing van NOx- emissiehandel
ECN-N--12-015 NL september 2012; 39 pag.
Bolscher, H.; Laan, J. van der; Sijm, J.P.M.; Bakker, S.J.A.; Mikunda, T.; Wehnert, T.; Sterk, W.; Hoogzaad, J.; Wemaere, Matthieu; Conway, T.J.;
Design options for sectoral carbon market mechanisms and their implications for the EU ETS - Annexes
ECN-O--12-045 EN augustus 2012; 180 pag.
Veum, K.C.; Cameron, L.R.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Improving the planning for offshore wind energy in Europe
ECN-W--12-042 EN augustus 2012; 5 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Veum, K.C.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Delivering offshore electricity to the EU: Spatial planning of offshore renewable energies and electricity grid infrastructures in an integrated EU maritime policy
ECN-O--12-025 EN augustus 2012; 80 pag.
Verdonk, M.; Wetzels, W.;
Referentieraming Energie en Emissies: Actualisatie 2012 Energie en emissies in de jaren 2012, 2020 en 2030
ECN-E--12-039 NL augustus 2012; 72 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Pol, M.; Paukovic, M.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Hepplewhite, F.; Loveridge, R.; Mazurowski, M.; Polak-Osiniak, D.; Rybicki, C.;
SiteChar D8.1 Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Qualitative and quantitative social site characterisations
ECN-O--11-071 EN augustus 2012; 155 pag.
Würtenberger, L.;
Financing Supported NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) – Discussion Paper
ECN-O--12-019 EN augustus 2012; 39 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Mikunda, T.;
Could CO2 capture and storage happen in developing countries? A study beyond the obvious
ECN-O--12-011 EN augustus 2012; 36 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Chapter 5: Electricity Generation
ECN-B--12-010 EN augustus 2012; 48 pag.
Saidi, M.A.R.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Chapter 6: Energy Demand
ECN-B--12-011 EN augustus 2012; 40 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Chapter 7: Transportation
ECN-B--12-012 EN augustus 2012; 42 pag.
Saidi, M.A.R.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Chapter 8: Industrial Processes
ECN-B--12-013 EN augustus 2012; 18 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Chapter 9: Waste
ECN-B--12-014 EN augustus 2012; 20 pag.
Murphy, D.; Würtenberger, L.; Stiebert, S.; Sawyer, D.; Dion, J.; McFatridge, S.; Cameron, L.R.; Saidi, M.A.R.; Tilburg, X. van; Minang, P.A.; Owino, T.; Olum, P.;
Kenya’s Climate Change Action Plan: Mitigation - Chapter 1: Methods, Key Findings and Priority Actions
ECN-B--12-008 EN augustus 2012; 42 pag.
Lako, P.; Daniëls, B.W.; Kroon, P.; Lensink, S.M.; Plomp, A.J.; Sipma, J.M.; Tigchelaar, C.; Vethman, P.; Volkers, C.H.; Wetzels, W.;
Energiebalansen provincie Drenthe
ECN-E--12-016 NL juli 2012; 102 pag.
Schillings, C.; Wanderer, T.; Cameron, L.R.; Wal, J.T. van der; Jacquemin, J.; Veum, K.C.;
A decision support system for assessing offshore wind energy potential in the North Sea
ECN-W--12-032 EN juli 2012; 11 pag.
Kroon, P.; Weeda, M.; Appels, D.;
Elektrisch vervoer in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Benchmark elektrisch rijden 2012
ECN-E--12-026 NL juli 2012; 47 pag.
Dijkstra, J.W.; Mikunda, T.; Coninck, H.C. de; Jansen, D.; Sambeek, E. van; Porter, R.; Jin, H.; Gao, L.; Li, S.;
Supporting early Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage development in non-power industrial sectors, Shaanxi Province, China
ECN-O--12-014 EN juli 2012; 171 pag.
Dijkstra, J.W.; Mikunda, T.; Coninck, H.C. de; Jansen, D.; Jin, H.; Gao, L.; Li, S.; Sambeek, E.J.W. van; Porter, R.;
Opportunities for early Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage develoment in China
ECN-O--12-015 EN juli 2012; 13 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.;
Current NAMA developments and Kenya case study
ECN-L--12-037 EN juli 2012; 17 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: , , .
Tilburg, X. van; Vit, C. de;
Coup d'oeil sur les NAMAs - Note Informative
ECN-O--12-016 FR juli 2012; 2 pag.
Welle, A.J. van der;
Flow-based market coupling: Stepping stone towards nodal pricing?
ECN-L--12-033 EN juli 2012; 20 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: BAEE-CIGRE policy workshop “Flow-based market coupling: calculation, allocation and economic consequences”, The Hague, Dutch competition authority, Netherlands, April 26, 2012.
Tilburg, X. van; Vit, C. de;
NAMAs at a Glance - Policy Brief
ECN-O--12-013 EN juli 2012; 2 pag.
Oltra, C.; Upham, P.; Riesch, H.; Brunsting, S.; Boso, A.; Dütschke, E.; Lis,  A.;
Public responses to CO2 storage sites: lessons from five European cases
ECN-W--12-028 EN juli 2012; 23 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy & Environment (Multi-Science Publishing co Ltd), 2012, Ed.VOLUME 23 No. 2&3 2012, p.227-248.
Sijm, J.P.M.; Chen, Y.; Hobbs, B.F.;
The impact of power market structure on CO2 cost pass-through to electricity prices under quantity competition - A theoretical approach
ECN-V--12-009 EN juli 2012; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Economics (Elsevier), 2012, Ed.34, p.1143-1152.
Straathof, D.H.L.;
Costs of Deep Geothermal Energy in the Netherlands
ECN-O--12-043 NL juni 2012; 74 pag.
Wetzels, W.;
Uitgangssituatie voor de Routekaart Chemie
ECN-E--12-024 NL juni 2012; 35 pag.
Dijkstra, S.J.G.;
The impact of Electric Vehicles on European Energy Networks
ECN-L--12-029 EN juni 2012; 33 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Grid Capacity and Stability Conference, London, United Kingdom, 21 June 2012.
Rösler, H.;
When and How to Decarbonize the Transport Sector?
ECN-L--12-030 EN juni 2012; 20 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: International Energy Workshop , Cape Town, South Africa, 21 June 2012.
Kober, T.;
The role of CCS under different climate targets in Europe
ECN-L--12-031 EN juni 2012; 17 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: International Energy Workshop, Cape Town , South Africa, 20 June 2012.
Joode, J. de; Plomp, A.J.; Ozdemir, O.;
A model-based analysis of the implications of shale gas developments for the European gas market
ECN-M--12-023 EN juni 2012; 7 pag.
Hekkenberg, M.; Londo, H.M.;
Tracking and Trailblazing: A travel guide to the energy transition
ECN-E--12-027 EN juni 2012; 2 pag.
Cameron, L.R.;
Seanergy 2020 final workshop - Project recommendations
ECN-L--12-045 EN juni 2012; 10 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Sustainable Energy Week, Brussels, Belgium, 20 June 2012.
Welle, A.J. van der; Dijkstra, S.J.G.;
Optimale interactie tussen marktpartijen en netbeheerders in de transitie naar smart grids
ECN-N--12-014 NL juni 2012; 8 pag.
Dijkstra, S.J.G.;
Will the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive drive a new CHP boom in Europe?
ECN-L--12-028 EN juni 2012; 29 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: PowerGen Europe 2012, Köln, Germany, 12 June 2012.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Basisbedragen in de SDE+ 2012 (Engelse vertaling)
ECN-E--11-062 EN mei 2012; 52 pag.
Daniëls, B.W.; Tieben, B.; Weda, J.; Hekkenberg, M.; Smekens, K.E.L.; Vethman, P.;
Kosten en baten van CO2-emissiereductie maatregelen
ECN-E--12-008 NL mei 2012; 161 pag.
Hagemann, M.; Coninck, H.C. de; Visser, E. de; Bakker, S.J.A.;
Bilateral and multilateral processes between developed and developing countries and their progress towards achieving effective implementation of CCS
ECN-W--12-020 EN mei 2012; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.Volume 4, p.5700-5709.
Kampman, B.; Berg, J. van den; Otten, G.-J.; Kroon, P.; Grinsven, A. van; Buck, A. de;
Oil reporting for the FQD; An assessment of effort needed
ECN-O--12-009 EN mei 2012; 46 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; Röser, F.; Hänsel, G.; Cameron, L.R.; Escalante, D.;
Status Report on NAMAs - Mid-year update May 2012
ECN-O--12-012 EN mei 2012; 32 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
SDE+ 2013. Conceptadvies basisbedragen
ECN-L--12-019 NL mei 2012; 17 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Consultatiebijeenkomst SDE+ , Ministerie EL&I, Den Haag, Nederland, 7 mei 2012.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Basisbedragen in de SDE+ 2013, Conceptadvies ten behoeve van de marktconsultatie
ECN-E--12-017 NL mei 2012; 49 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Leidelmeijer, K.; Vethman, P.; Cozijnsen, E.;
Besparingsgetallen energiebesparende maatregelen op basis van werkelijke verbruiksgegevens
ECN-E--12-013 NL mei 2012; 123 pag.
Plomp, A.J.; Kroon, P.;
Notes for the BREF LCP
ECN-N--12-012 EN april 2012; 7 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
Verplichtingsdoelstelling voor duurzame energie
ECN-N--12-011 NL april 2012; 14 pag.
Brunsting, S.;
Social Site Characterisation of Potential CCS Sites in Poland and the UK
ECN-L--12-015 EN april 2012; 13 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: IEAGHG 3rd Social Research Network Meeting, Noosa Heads, , Australia, April 12, 2012.
Elbersen, B.; Stralen, J. van; Uslu, A.; Böttcher, H.; Panatsou, C.; Fritsche, U.;
Sustainable Biomass Supply
ECN-W--12-023 EN april 2012; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: BE Sustainable (ETA-Florence Renewable Energies), 2012, Ed.0, p.8-12.
Paukovic, M.; Brunsting, S.; Straver, K.; Mastop, E.A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
The Dutch general public's opinion on CCS and energy transition in 2011: Development in awareness, knowledge, beliefs and opinions related to information and media coverage
ECN-E--12-015 EN april 2012; 122 pag.
Würtenberger, L.; Bleyl, J.W.; Menkveld, M.; Vethman, P.; Tilburg, X. van;
Business models for renewable energy in the built environment - Update
ECN-E--12-014 EN april 2012; 131 pag.
Kroon, P.; Wilde, H.P.J. de;
Emissies van houtstook door huishoudens
ECN-E--12-011 NL april 2012; 52 pag.
Welle, A.J. van der;
Proposed EU policy for selection of network investments: suggestions for improvements
ECN-L--12-008 EN april 2012; 11 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: CEPS-ECN workshop "Optimising electricity transmission in Europe: Technological , Brussels, Belgium, March 20, 2012.
Welle, A.J. van der;
Selection procedures of projects of common interest at regional and European level
ECN-L--12-009 EN april 2012; 9 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: European Parliament workshop (ITRE parliamentary committee) on “Building a European energy infrastructure - selecting and implementing projects of common interest”, Brussels, Belgium, March 21, 2012.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.; Lensink, S.M.; Oosterkamp, P.F. van den;
Cost reductions for offshore wind power: Exploring the balance between scaling, learning and R&D.
ECN-W--11-077 EN april 2012; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Renewable Energy, An International Journal (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Tradable Carbon Allowances: The Experience of the European Union and Lessons Learned
ECN-B--12-002 EN april 2012; 38 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Responding to Climate Change – Global Experience and the Korean Experience, Chap, 39, 77, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kautto, Niina; Arasto, Antti; Sijm, J.P.M.; Peck, P.;
Interaction of the EU ETS and national climate policy instruments – Impact on biomass use
ECN-V--12-003 EN april 2012; 10 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), , Ed.Vol. 38, p.117-127.
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Key design elements of new market mechanisms (NMMs): merits and shortcomings of options available
ECN-L--12-006 EN april 2012; 32 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: EU expert workshop on NMMS, Danish Energy Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 9, 2012.
Stralen, J. van; Uslu, A.;
The role biomass can play in 2020 & 2030 - Deviations and consistency with NREAPs
ECN-L--12-005 EN april 2012; 40 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Final workshop Biomass Futures at the European Parlement, Brussels, Belgium, March 20 , 2012.
Stralen, J. van; Dalla Longa, F.; Beurskens, L.W.M.; Uslu, A.;
D5.1 Functional description of the REsolve model kit and the biomass allocation
ECN-E--12-019 EN april 2012; 24 pag.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van;
D5.2 Biomass Futures scenario set-up and the methodology for analysis
ECN-E--12-020 EN april 2012; 19 pag.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van; Beurskens, L.W.M.; Dalla Longa, F.;
Use of sustainable biomass to produce electricity, heat and transport fuels in EU27
ECN-E--12-021 EN april 2012; 61 pag.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van;
Report on the interactions with the Green-X modelling team
ECN-E--12-022 EN april 2012; 21 pag.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van;
Interactions with policy makers and the stakeholders
ECN-E--12-023 EN april 2012; 14 pag.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van;
Sustainable biomass for electricity, heat and transport fuels in the EU27
ECN-E--12-030 EN april 2012; 30 pag.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van; De Vita, A.; Apostolaki, E.; Capros, P.;
Description of model links between PRIMES-biomass and RESolve
ECN-E--12-031 EN april 2012; 29 pag.
Schoots, K.;
Requirements for the SETIS tools and models
ECN-L--12-032 EN maart 2012; 17 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: ATEsT final Workshop, Brussel, Belgium, 26 March 2012.
Uslu, A.; Stralen, J. van;
Bioenergy markets: the policy demand for heat, electricity and biofuels, and sustainable biomass supply
ECN-L--12-004 EN maart 2012; 28 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, March 20, 2012.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Social Site Characterisation: Anticiperen is beter dan repareren
ECN-N--12-009 NL maart 2012; 8 pag.
Lako, P.;
Energie uit Water
ECN-L--12-003 NL maart 2012; 34 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Workshop H2O for Energy, RUW Wageningen Universiteit, Wageningen, Nederland, 21 februari 2012.
Bruggink, J.J.C.;
Energy aid in times of climate change, designing climate compatible development strategies
ECN-E--12-006 EN maart 2012; 39 pag.
Lako, P.; Straathof, D.H.L.;
Geothermal energy in the SDE+ in 2012
ECN-L--12-002 EN maart 2012; 6 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Geothermal Workshop GEOELEC, Utrecht, Netherlands, 24/01/2012.
Weeda, M.;
Hydrogen: missing link for a sustainable energy system
ECN-L--12-013 EN maart 2012; 22 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Energy Storage 2012 , Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 29 February - 1 March 2012.
Vethman, P.; Menkveld, M.;
Naar een groter financieringsaanbod voor energiezuinige gebouwen en woningen
ECN-O--12-004 NL februari 2012; 11 pag.
Luxembourg, S.L.;
Definitieve correctiebedragen 2011 (SDE)
ECN-N--12-005 NL februari 2012; 5 pag.
Pol, M.;
Percepties en attitudes van autobezitters ten aanzien van innovatieve auto’s
ECN-L--12-001 NL februari 2012; 23 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Den Haag, Nederland, 31 januari 2012.
Weeda, M.;
Latest Hydrogen Achievements and Trends in the Netherlands
ECN-L--12-012 EN februari 2012; 30 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: International Hydrogen Energy Development Forum 2012 , Fukuoka, Japan, 1 February 2012.
Lensink, S.M.;
Basisbedrag warmte-uitkoppeling bij bestaande mestcovergistingsinstallaties
ECN-N--12-004 NL januari 2012; 7 pag.
Lako, P.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Policies and opportunities for grid parity of PV in the Netherlands
ECN-N--12-002 EN januari 2012; 5 pag.
Pol, M.; Brunsting, S.;
Percepties en attitudes van autobezitters over innovatieve auto’s
ECN-E--11-068 NL januari 2012; 48 pag.
Würtenberger, L.; Bleyl, J.W.; Menkveld, M.; Vethman, P.; Tilburg, X. van;
Business models for renewable energy in the built environment (RE-BIZZ)
ECN-E--11-057 EN januari 2012; 124 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
Basisbedrag wind op land voor windrijke locaties
ECN-N--12-003 NL januari 2012; 12 pag.
Wetzels, W.; Hekkenberg, M.; Daniëls, B.W.; Ybema, J.R.;
Een inventarisatie van de eerste ronde van Green Deals
ECN-N--12-001 NL januari 2012; 7 pag.
Behrens, A.; Egenhofer, C.; Jansen, J.C.; Tol, R.S.J. voorvoegsels; Bethélemy, M.; Lévêque, F.;
Does Europe need a comprehensive Energy
ECN-W--11-073 EN januari 2012; 19 pag.
Jansen, J.C.;
Expansion of the Swedish elcert certificates system to the Netherlands; a cost-benefit analysis
ECN-M--11-108 EN januari 2012; 8 pag.
Wetzels, W.;
Sustainable energy innovation
ECN-L--11-130 EN januari 2012; 20 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: Nederlandse Carrièredagen, Amsterdam, Nederland, 26 november 2011.
Neele, F.P.; Seebregts, A.J.; Mikunda, T.; Santen, S.; Burgt, A. van der; Nestaas, O.; Apeland, S.; Stiff, S.; Hustad, C.;
Developing a European CO2 transport infrastructure
ECN-E--11-073 EN januari 2012; 65 pag.
Austell, M.; Burgt, A. van der; Neele, F.P.; Tetteroo, M.; Ros, M.; Mikunda, T.; Meindertsma, W.; Santen, S.; Seebregts, A.J.;
Development of large scale CCS in The North Sea via Rotterdam as CO2-hub
ECN-E--11-074 EN januari 2012; 102 pag.
Šilhan, M.; Laciok, A.; Deurzen, J. van; Seebregts, A.J.;
CEZ CO2 transport test case
ECN-E--11-075 EN januari 2012; 47 pag.
Jansen, J.C.;
Chapter 5: Energy and security
ECN-B--11-025 EN januari 2012; 76 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Global Energy Assessment, Cambridge University Press.
Dalla Longa, F.; Bole, T.;
Cost-efficient and sustainable deployment of renewable energy sources towards the 20% target
ECN-O--11-081 EN januari 2012; 76 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.; Welle, A.J. van der;
Energy Security in Ireland: A Statistical Overview
ECN-B--12-017 EN 2012; 76 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Energy Security in Ireland: A Statistical Overview - 2011 Report , 59, 62.