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Publicaties van het type Overig in 1990.
Akkermans, J.M.; Harmelen, F. van; Schreiber, A.T.; Wielinga, B.J.;
A formalisation of knowledge-level models for knowledge acquisition.
ECN-RX--90-068 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rozing, G.J.; Mijnarends, P.E.; Benedek, R.;
A fully relativistic calculation of the two-photon momentum distribution for positron annihilation in tungsten.
ECN-RX--90-030 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Cordfunke, E.H.P.;
A new defect model to describe the oxygen deficiency in perovskite-type oxides.
ECN-RX--90-045 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rozing, G.J.; Mijnarends, P.E.; Menovsky, A.A.; Chatel, P.F. de;
A positron-annihilation study of the electronic structure of URu2Si2.
ECN-RX--90-078 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Alternative statistics in multi-step direct reaction theory. : Contribution to the 3rd CRP meeting on methods for the calculation of neutron. ;
ECN-RX--90-039 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Eikelboom, J.A.;
An apparatus for calorimetric measurement of ac losses in superconductors.
ECN-RX--90-090 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Pierik, J.T.G.;
AWIDIMOD computer program
ECN-B--90-018 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Biesen, C.W.M. den;
Bibliotheek en Documentatie (Bidoc)
ECN-B--90-021 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Bond-graph based reasoning about physical systems. : Presented at the AAAI-90 workshop on model-based reasoning, Boston, 30 July 1990.
ECN-RX--90-043 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Bansil, A.; Mijnarends, P.E.; Smedskjaer, L.C.;
c-Axis projected electron-positron momentum density in YBa2Cu3O7.
ECN-RX--90-074 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Kopecky, J.;
Calculations of capture cross sections and gamma-ray spectra with different strength function models. : Presented at the 7th International ; symposium on capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Asilomar, 14-19 October 1990.
ECN-RX--90-080 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.;
Causal order in physical systems. : Presented at the First European workshop on qualitative reasoning about physical systems, Genova, 24-26 ; January 1991.
ECN-RX--90-088 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Hulle, F.J.L. van; Stam, W.J.;
Certificatie-criteria: nationale en internationale ontwikkelingen. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, ; 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-008 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Stam, W.J.;
Certificering van windturbines: voortgang, knelpunten en toekomst. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, ; 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-009 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.;
CESAR-I: een computerprogramma voor de berekening van de beschikbaarheid en de betrouwbaarheid van systemen. : Gebruikershandleiding.
ECN-I--90-014 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Nammensma, P.;
Characterization of ceramics
ECN-B--90-004 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Groot, G.J. de;
Characterization of municipal solid waste incinerator residues for utilization: leaching properties. : Published in proceedings of the Ash ; utilization and stabilization conference (ASH II), Washington, 8-9 November 1989.
ECN-RX--90-020 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Linde, A. van der;
Comparative testing of UO2 sphere-pac and pellet fuel in the Dodewaard BWR. : Paper prepared for the Fifth ENS/ANS conference, ENC-5, Lyon, 23-28 ; September 1990.
ECN-RX--90-021 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Polle, A.N.;
Comparison of performance of the peak analysis wihth NDDT and NIAGADA.
ECN-I--90-012 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Kwast, H.; Conrad, R.; Preston, S.D.; Verstappen, G.; Roux, N.; Casadio, S.; Werle, H.; Elen, J.D.;
Comparison of the tritium residence times of various ceramic breeder materials irradiated in EXOTIC experiments 4 and 5. : Paper presented at the ; 16th Symposium on fusion technology (SOFT), London, 3-7 September 1990.
ECN-RX--90-070 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Beurskens, H.J.M.;
ECN and photovoltaic solar energy
ECN-B--90-007 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Joon, K.;
ECN contributions to 1990 fuel cell seminar Phoenix, Arizona, 25-28 November 1990.
ECN-RX--90-067 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Bloemberg, F.M.;
ECN-Opleidingen september-december 1990
ECN-B--90-025 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Beurskens, H.J.M.;
Energy and wind
ECN-B--90-001 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Janssen, L.G.J.;
ECN-B--90-024 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Enkele onderwerpen uit het ECN-onderzoekprogramma. : Vierde kwartaal 1989.
ECN-I--90-018 NL 1990; 0 pag.
ESC - Energie studies, ;
ESC beleidsstudies energie en milieu
ECN-B--90-019 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Bais, J.M.;
ESC policy studies on energy and environment
ECN-B--90-014 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Aaldijk, J.K.;
Evaluation of Pu isotopic composition of gamma-ray spectrometry measurements on PERLA samples.
ECN-I--90-048 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Konijnenberg, M.;
Exchange currents in the radiative capture of thermal neutrons by protons and deuterons.
ECN-R--90-001 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Freudenreich, W.E.;
Experiences with the reaction 93Nb(n,n')93mNb in neutron fluence monitoring. : Report presented at the 7th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor ; dosimetry, Strasbourg, 27-31 August 1990.
ECN-RX--90-056 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Laan, J.G. van der; Bakker, J.; Stad, R.C.L. van der; Klippel, H.T.;
Experimental simulation and analysis of off-normal heat loads accompanying plasma disruptions. : Contribution to the 16th Symposium on fusion ; technology (SOFT), London, 3-7 September 1990.
ECN-RX--90-092 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Burgers, A.R.;
Factorisatie van blok-circulante matrices.
ECN-I--90-021 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Hamilton, L.F.M.; Benneker, P.B.J.M.;
FE-study for lithostatic pressure measurement in the 600 m borehole experiment.
ECN-I--90-024 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rij, H.M. van; Vonka, V.;
Feasibility study of COCOS, condensation of containment atmosphere on structures.
ECN-I--90-016 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Bansil, A.; Mijnarends, P.E.; Smedskjaer, L.C.;
Fermi surface of YBa2Cu3O7: Evidence for the Cu-O plane sheets from positron experiments.
ECN-RX--90-007 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Controller Afdeling, ;
Financieel gedeelte van het Jaarverslag 1989.
ECN-I--90-022 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Prij, J.; Jong, C.;
Finite element applications at ECN.
ECN-RX--90-094 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Haverkate, B.R.W.;
Fortran-programma COREFRAC ter bepaling core fracture bij het draadtrekproces.
ECN-I--90-025 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Haverkate, B.R.W.;
FORTRAN-programma SINKING voor het verjongen van dunwandige buis.
ECN-I--90-020 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Klein, C.A.M. van der;
Fossil fuels
ECN-B--90-026 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Baard, J.H.;
GAM904S. : A small size nuclear data library for activity determinations of selected nuclides.
ECN-I--90-043 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Aaldijk, J.K.; Betue, P.A.C. de;
Gamma-ray spectrometric enrichment determination on a low enriched UF6 sample.
ECN-I--90-013 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Engelen, T.G. van; Bongers, P.;
Geavanceerde regeling van windturbines. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-018 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Oei, T.D.;
Gevoeligheidsstudie voor vermoeiingsbelastingen door turbulentie. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, ; 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-012 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Türkcan, E.;
Graphical enhanced real time data acquisition system
ECN-B--90-020 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Kuperus, R.N.;
H.F.R. cycle 89.08. : Period September 15 to October 16, 1989.
ECN-I--90-008 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Steeman, R.A.;
Highly correlated electron systems. : An experimental study of Ce- and U-intermetallic compounds and high-temperature superconductors.
ECN-R--90-003 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.;
Hoge-Tc-supergeleiders op weg naar toepassing.
ECN-RX--90-055 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Eikelboom, J.A.; Klundert, L.J.M. van de;
Hysteresis losses in hollow superconducting filaments and in multifilament systems.
ECN-RX--90-086 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Kwalitatieve analyse in de niet-naieve fysica. : Gepresenteerd op de Nederlandstalige AI conferentie NAIC-90, Rolduc, Kerkrade, 14-15 juni 1990. ;
ECN-RX--90-025 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Horn, B.A. van den;
Local criteria for the prediction of fracture.
ECN-I--90-039 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Klippel, H.T.; Komen, E.; Boogaard, J.P.A. van den;
Loss-of-vacuum, loss-of-coolant, and loss-of-flow accident analysis for NET/ITER. : Contribution to the 16th Symposium on fusion technology (SOFT); , London, 3-7 September 1990.
ECN-RX--90-095 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Beesteheerde, J.;
Low-NOx ceramic burner with large operating range
ECN-B--90-005 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Haije, W.G.; Spijkerman, A.; Boer, F.R. de; Bakker, K.; Buschow, K.H.J.;
Magnetic structure of rare earth compounds of the type RFe10V2.
ECN-RX--90-060 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Haije, W.G.; Jacobs, T.H.; Buschow, K.H.J.;
Magnetic structure of ternary rare earth carbides of the type R2Fe17C.
ECN-RX--90-063 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Vonka, V.; Rij, H.M. van;
Measurement techniques for sensible and latent heat transfer coefficients during wall condensation, a feasibility study.
ECN-I--90-017 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Tjoa, G.L.;
Mechanical testing on irradiated materials
ECN-B--90-010 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Tjoa, G.L.;
Mechanical testing on irradiated materials. : Paper presented on 'The practicalities of mechanical testing at elevated temperatures in controlled ; environments', Leatherhead, 7 December 1990.
ECN-RX--90-087 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Vreugdenhil, C.B.;
Modellering keramische branders. : Literatuuronderzoek en probleemanalyse.
ECN-I--90-031 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Modelling and qualitative analysis in non-naive physics. : Submitted to the 4th International workshop on qualitative physics, Lugano, 9-12 July ; 1990.
ECN-RX--90-006 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Bogaard, J.P.A. van den; Stoop, P.M.;
Modification of the CONTAIN 1.10 vent clearing model.
ECN-I--90-034 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Tissen, J.T.W.M.; Janssen, G.J.M.;
Molecular dynamics simulation of molten alkali carbonates.
ECN-RX--90-019 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Tilborg, P.J. van;
Het Nationaal Keramisch Atelier
ECN-B--90-011 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Tilborg, P.J. van;
The National Ceramic Centre
ECN-B--90-003 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Peters, A.A.F.;
Natural circulation of air in an enclosed cylinder due to an uniform heat source.
ECN-I--90-007 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Curvers, A.P.W.M.; Schuurman, J.J.;
Nauwkeurigheid van windmetingen en internationale intercalibratie van anemometers. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie ; conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-003 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Vennix, C.W.H.M.; Frikkee, E.; Swagten, H.J.M.; Kopinga, K.; Jonge, W.J.M. de;
Neutron diffraction on the diluted magnetic semiconductor Sn1-xMnxTe.
ECN-RX--90-064 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Paardekooper, A.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Neutron metrology in the H.F.R. : Experiment ER231 (SIMONE): Initial fluence rate measurementS.
ECN-I--90-004 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Ketema, D.J.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Neutron metrology in the HFR. : R139-64 (AKTINES): irradiation of steel as first wall material for fusion reactors.
ECN-I--90-040 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Hoving, A.H.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Neutron metrology in the HFR. : Steel irradiation R139-64, specimen holder 13 (first loading).
ECN-I--90-003 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Appelman, K.H.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Neutron metrology in the HFR. : Steel irradiation R139-681/682/683.
ECN-I--90-046 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Veldhuis, J.B.J.; Makkus, R.C.; Molen, S.B. Van der; Broers, G.H.J.;
NiO cathode dissolution and long term MCFC operation.
ECN-RX--90-027 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Winters, B.;
NPA, a software package for the visualisation of time dependent data
ECN-B--90-008 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Wervelman, R.; Abrahams, K.; Postma, H.; Booten, J.G.L.; Hees, A.G.M. van;
Nucleon capture by 3He and the production of solar hep-neutrinos. : Cross-section measurements and shell-model calculations.
ECN-RX--90-061 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Bottger, A.; Frikkee, E.; Keijser, T.H. de; Mittemeijer, E.J.;
Occurrence of incoherent alpha''-Fe16N2 at room temperature in iron-nitrogen martensite observed by neutron and X-ray diffraction.
ECN-RX--90-040 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Schreiber, A.T.; Akkermans, J.M.; Wielinga, B.J.;
On problems with the knowledge level perspective. : Paper presented at the 5th International knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based systems ; workshop, Banff, 4-9 November 1990.
ECN-RX--90-073 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Vlaanderen, P. van; Cordfunke, E.H.P.;
On the structure of SrZrO3.
ECN-RX--90-083 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Dragt, J.B.;
Onderzoek, waar dient het toe? : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-011 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Beurskens, H.J.M.;
De ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse windenergietechnologie in internationaal perspectief. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie ; conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-016 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Scholte, R.L.J.;
Opleidingen stralingshygiene. : September 1990 - september 1991
ECN-B--90-022 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Veltkamp, A.C.;
Optimization of flow-through radioactivity detection in high-performance liquid chromatography.
ECN-R--90-005 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Boswinkel, H.H.; Laken, R.A. van der;
Outline of a R and D programme 'H2-CO2 technology'.
ECN-I--90-029 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Hulle, F.J.L. van; Dragt, J.B.;
Over de aero-elastische stabiliteit van grote overtrekgeregelde windturbinerotoren. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie ; conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-017 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Verweij, H.; Bruggink, W.H.M.; Steeman, R.A.; Frikkee, E.; Helmholdt, R.B.;
Oxidation enthalpy of YBa2Cu3O6 in relation with phase behaviour and stoichiometry.
ECN-I--90-005 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Lindenburg, C.; Snel, H.;
Parameterstudie naar het gedrag van een rotor met pendelnaaf, met behulp van PHATAS-II. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie ; conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-013 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.; Hienen, J.F.A. van;
Performance of monitoring networks estimated from a Gaussian plume model.
ECN-I--90-037 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Snel, H.; Lindenburg, C.;
PHATAS-II computer program
ECN-B--90-016 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Harry, R.J.S.;
PIDIE, plutonium isotopic determination inter-comparison exercise. : ESARDA contribution presented at the 31st Annual meeting of the Institute of ; Nuclear Materials Management, Los Angeles, 15-18 July 1990.
ECN-RX--90-044 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Groot, P.; Laan, J.G. van der; Mack, M.; Dvorak, M.; Huber, P.;
Plasma sprayed titanium carbide coatings for first wall applications in fusion devices. : Report presented at the 4th International conference on ; fusion reactor materials, Kyoto, 4-8 December 1989.
ECN-RX--90-076 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Vlak, W.A.H.M.;
Pore structure characterization in ceramics with small-angle neutron scattering.
ECN-R--90-004 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Vlak, W.A.H.M.;
Pore structure characterization of alumina powders with small-angle neutron scattering.
ECN-I--90-011 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Mijnarends, P.E.; Melis, A.F.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Menovsky, A.A.; Kadowaki, K.;
Positron-annihilation 2D-ACAR measurements in the incommensurately modulated high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8.
ECN-RX--90-096 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Staal, H.U.;
Post-irradiation examination
ECN-B--90-013 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Beckers, G.J.J.;
Powder technology
ECN-B--90-012 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Akkermans, J.M.; Reinders, M.;
Preliminary comments on knowledge-level reflection in KBS. : Paper proposal for the European conference on artificial intelligence ECAI-90, ; Stockholm, 6-10 August 1990.
ECN-I--90-001 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Polle, A.N.;
Present state of neutron metrology in the High Flux Reactor. : Report presented at the 7th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry, ; Strasbourg, 27-31 August 1990.
ECN-RX--90-057 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Uhl, M.;
Present status of gamma-ray strength functions and their impact on statistical model calculations. : Report presented at the IAEA Specialists' ; meeting on the measurement, calculation and evaluation of photon production cross-sections, february 5-7, 1990, smolenice, czechoslowakia.
ECN-RX--90-024 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Horn, B.A. van den; Braam, H.;
Probabilistic analysis of flawed components with the REFCO code.
ECN-I--90-019 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rozing, G.J.; Koelling, D.D.; Mijnarends, P.E.;
Probing the f electrons in URu2Si2 with positrons: a theoretical investigation.
ECN-RX--90-038 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Processes as components: on the primitives of a qualitative scientific physics. : Paper will appear in the Proceedings of the European conference ; on artificial intelligence ECAI-90, Stockholm, 6-10 August 1990.
ECN-RX--90-028 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Processes as components: on the primitives of qualitative scientific physics. : Paper proposal for the European conference on artificial ; intelligence ECAI-90, Stockholm, 6-10 August 1990.
ECN-I--90-002 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Constantine, G.; Watkins, P.R.D.; Perks, C.A.; Delafield, H.J.; Ross, D.;
Progress in neutron beam development at the HFR Petten (Feasibility study for a BNCT facility). : Report presented at the 7th ASTM-EURATOM ; symposium on reactor dosimetry, Strasbourg, 27-31 August 1990.
ECN-RX--90-058 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Qualitative aspects of physical modelling. : Paper presented at the IASTED International symposium on applied modelling and simulation, Lugano, ; 18-21 June 1990.
ECN-RX--90-026 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Top, J.L.; Akkermans, J.M.; Breedveld, P.C.;
Qualitative reasoning about physical systems: an artificial intelligence perspective.
ECN-RX--90-022 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Abrahams, K.; Konijnenberg, M.W.; Wervelman, R.;
Radiative capture in few-nucleon systems and exchange currents. : Invited paper for the 7th International symposium on capture gamma-ray ; spectroscopy and related topics, Asilomar, 15-19 October 1990.
ECN-RX--90-079 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Randomness in multi-step direct reactions.
ECN-RX--90-065 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Duijves, K.A.; Vons, L.H.;
Recent developments in the Dutch experimental programme for radioactive waste disposal. : Contribution to the First meeting of the NEA ; Coordinating Group on site evaluation.
ECN-RX--90-054 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Dai, G.H.; Weeber, A.W.; Mijnarends, P.E.;
Reconstructed intensity distribution of the positron source used in two-dimensional measurements of the angular correlation of annihilation ; radiation.
ECN-RX--90-072 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Cervenka, S.; Pierik, J.T.G.;
REGHAT-I computer program
ECN-B--90-015 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Wijk, J.J. van;
Rendering lines on curved surfaces. : Submitted to the Eurographics workshop on visualisation in scientific computing, Paris, April 1990.
ECN-RX--90-005 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.;
Self-shielding in the NET fusion reactor blanket and effects on uncertainty calculations.
ECN-R--90-007 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.; Gruppelaar, H.; Verschuur, K.A.;
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of NET/ITER shielding blankets. : Contribution to the 16th Symposium on fusion technology, London, 3-7 ; September 1990.
ECN-RX--90-062 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Ciftcioglu, O.; Türkcan, E.;
Sequential decision reliability concept and failure rate assessment: application to nuclear power plant surveillance instrumentation. : Report ; presented at the IAEA specialists' meeting on analysis and experience in control and instrumentation .
ECN-RX--90-085 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.;
Short manual CESAR-I. : Code for evaluating system availability and reliability.
ECN-I--90-027 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Laan, J.G. van der; Klippel, H.T.; Stad, R.C.L. van der; Bakker, J.;
Simulation and analysis of the response of carbon fiber composites and pyrolytic graphites to off-normal high heat loads. : Contribution to the ; 5th Workshop on carbon for fusion applications, KFA Julich, 17-18 May 1990.
ECN-RX--90-051 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Laan, J.G. van der; Klippel, H.T.;
Simulation and analysis of the response of carbon materials to off-normal heat loads accompanying plasma disruptions. : Report presented at the ; 4th International conference on fusion reactor materials, Kyoto, 4-8 December 1989.
ECN-RX--90-047 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Veringa, H.J.; Correia, L.A.;
Het sinteren van keramische materialen en de defecten die daarbij ontstaan.
ECN-RX--90-034 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Verstelle, T.; Vlak, W.A.H.M.; Vrij, A.;
Small-angle neutron scattering from colloidal silica dispersions.
ECN-I--90-044 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Ouweltjes, W.;
Solution calorimetry for the determination of reaction enthalpies of inorganic substances at 298.15 K. : Preprint of chapter 2 of 'Experimental thermochemistry', to be published in 1991 by IUPAC.
ECN-RX--90-036 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Vlaanderen, P. van; Onink, M.; IJdo, D.J.W.;
Sr3U11O36: crystal structure and thermal stability.
ECN-RX--90-093 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Alberman, A.; Nolthenius, H.J.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Status of radiation damage evaluation in fusion materials irradiation experiments. : Report presented at the 7th ASTM-EURATOM symposium on ; reactor dosimetry, Strasbourg, 27-31 August 1990.
ECN-RX--90-053 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Gruppelaar, H.; Kopecky, J.;
Status report EFF and EAF projects. : Contribution to the IAEA consultants' meeting on the fusion evaluated nuclear data library, Vienna, 25-28 ; June 1990.
ECN-RX--90-050 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Jong, C.T.J.;
Stress analyses of ITER toroidal field coils under fault conditions. : Presented at the Sixth world congress on finite element methods, Banff, 1-; 5 October 1990.
ECN-RX--90-004 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Balder, J.R.; Akkermans, J.M.;
StrucTool: supporting formal specifications of knowledge-level models. : Article will appear in the Proceedings of the 4th European knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based systems workshop EKWA-90 (Amsterdam/Zeist, 25-29 june 1990).
ECN-RX--90-033 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Laan, J.G. van der; Klippel, H.T.; Bakker, J.; Stad, R.C.L. van der;
Structural and metallurgical effects in stainless steel for first wall applications in simulated plasma disruptions. : Report presented at the ; 4th International conference on fusion reactor materials, Kyoto, 4-8 December 1989.
ECN-RX--90-041 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Koning, C.;
ECN-B--90-002 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Groot, P.; Berg, F.A. van den;
TEM study of martensitic stainless steel (MANET).
ECN-I--90-045 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Dekker, J.W.M.; Groot, C.M. de; Späth, M.;
Testresultaten van de FLEXHAT rotor met passieve regeltip, versie 1. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren,; 21-22 februari 1990.
ECN-RX--90-014 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Okken, P.A.;
The case for alternative transportation fuels in the context of greenhouse gas constraints. : Presented at the 5th Conference on oxygenated fuels ; in Europe, London, 22-23 May 1990.
ECN-RX--90-046 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Bach, P.W.; Correia, L.A.;
The effect of the microstructure on the creep properties of dense alumina. : Paper presented on the 11th Risø International symposium on metallurgy and materials science, 3-7 September 1990.
ECN-RX--90-037 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Konings, R.J.M.; Booij, A.S.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.;
The high-temperature vibration spectrum of CsOH vapour.
ECN-RX--90-066 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Peters, A.A.F.;
The k,epsilon-turbulence model and turbulent wall functions as implemented into PHOENICS.
ECN-I--90-006 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rietveld, H.M.;
The Rietveld method. : Lecture prepared for the XIV Conference on applied crystallography, Cieszyn, 5-8 August 1990.
ECN-RX--90-035 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Ouweltjes, W.;
The standard enthalpies of formation of hydroxides. : 4. La(OH)3 and LaOOH.
ECN-RX--90-002 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Ouweltjes, W.;
The standard enthalpies of formation of MO(s), MCl2(s), and M2(aq) (M = Ba, Sr).
ECN-RX--90-001 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Ouweltjes, W.;
The standard enthalpy of formation of In2O3.
ECN-RX--90-042 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Konings, R.J.M.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Smit-Groen, V.M.;
The vapour pressures of hydroxides. : II: TeO(OH)2.
ECN-RX--90-023 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Konings, R.J.M.; Booij, A.S.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.;
The vibrational spectrum of gaseous cesium metaborate.
ECN-RX--90-032 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Schaap, E.C.M.E.;
Theoretical background of DIEKA. : Simulating non-linear forming processes with the finite element method.
ECN-I--90-049 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Klippel, H.T.;
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of three LOCA's in the divertor cooling system of NET/ITER.
ECN-R--90-008 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Veringa, H.J.;
Toepassing en fabricage van schuimkeramiek.
ECN-RX--90-077 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Jong, C.T.J.;
Toepassingen van de mechanica bij ECN
ECN-B--90-009 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der;
Tonaliteit en impulsiviteit van windturbinegeluid. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari ; 1990.
ECN-RX--90-015 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Teunissen, G.J.A.; Thijssen, P.J.M.; Dekker, F.; Pruimboom, H.;
Towards a new HFR standard core equipped with fuel elements and control rods containing 450 and 310 gram U-235 fresh fuel mass.
ECN-I--90-009 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Janssen, A.J.;
De tweede IAEA meeting on technical and economic aspects of high convertors.
ECN-I--90-026 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Horn, B.A. van den; Braam, H.; Kranenburg, M.A.C. van;
Two-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element analysis of a SENB4 with a growing crack.
ECN-I--90-023 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Boogaard, J.P.A. van den; Stoop, P.M.; Koning, H.;
Two-phase critical flow; development of a new model and assessment versus other existing models and experimental data.
ECN-R--90-002 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Hulle, F.J.L. van;
Validatie van rekenprogramma's/rekenmethoden. : Rapport gepresenteerd op de 5e Nationale windenergie conferentie, Lunteren, 21-22 februari 1990. ;
ECN-RX--90-010 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Meyssen, S.R.M.;
Vapour pressure of some caesium compounds. : 1. CsBO2.
ECN-RX--90-069 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rijnsburger, W.;
Visual objects: self-replicating user interface structures.
ECN-I--90-030 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Rijnsburger, W.H.;
VisualObjects: a server-resident user interface toolkit for loosely coupled NeWS clients. : Presented at Sun Expo Europe '90, The Hague, 18-20 ; April 1990.
ECN-RX--90-029 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Curvers, A.P.W.M.;
WEPP-I computer program
ECN-B--90-017 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Souwer-Kwak, C.H.M.;
Wie is wie in energie
ECN-B--90-006 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Smet, B.J. de;
Young's modulus measurements on an alumina and a borosilicate bar loaded in three and four point bending.
ECN-I--90-041 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hockley, D.E.; Wijkstra, J.;
Zelf-vormende en zelf-herstellende afdichtingen: concept, modellering, en laboratoriumresultaten.
ECN-RX--90-091 NL 1990; 0 pag.
Muis, R.P.;
Zonne-energie-project 'Zaire'.
ECN-I--90-028 NL 1990; 0 pag.