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Crystalline Silicon Solar Module Technology: Towards the 1 Euro Per Watt-Peak Goal
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Insights into the relation between crystal structure and deuterium desorption characteristics of Pd-Au-D alloys
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Delft, Y.C. van; Meyer, D.F.; Pex, P.P.A.C.; Camus, O.; Perera, S.; Crittenden, B.; Kumakiri, I.; Miachon, S.; Dalmon, J.A.; Tennison, S.; Chanaud, P.; Groensmit, E.; Nobel, W.;
Ceramic Membranes for Ammonia Recovery
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Sark, W.G.J.H.M. van; Barnham, K.W.J.; Slooff, L.H.; Chatten, A.J.; Büchtemann, A.; Meyer, A.; McCormack, S.J.; Koole, R.; Farell, D.; Bose, R.; Bende, E.E.; Burgers, A.R.; Budel, T.; Quilitz, J.; Kennedy, M.; Meyer, T.; De Mello Donega, C.; Meijerink, A.; Vanmaekelbergh, D.;
Luminescent Solar Concentrators - A review of recent results
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Hoogboom, J.; Oosterholt, J.; Ritmeijer, S.; Groenewoud, L.; Stassen, A.F.; Koppes, M.; Tool, C.J.J.; Bultman, J.H.;
Surface modification for efficiency improvement of inline solar cell manufacture
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Schottler, M.; Wild - Scholten, M.J. de;
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Coletti, G.; Kvande, R.; Mihailetchi, V.D.; Geerligs, L.J.; Arnberg, L.; Ovrelid, E.J.;
Effect of iron in silicon feedstock on p- and n-type multicrystalline silicon solar cell
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Komatsu, Y.; Mihailetchi, V.D.; Geerligs, L.J.; Dijk, B. van; Rem, J.B.; Harris, M.;
Homogeneous p+ emitter diffused using boron tribromide for record 16.4% screen-printed large area n-type mc-Si solar cell
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Slooff, L.H.; Bende, E.E.; Burgers, A.R.; Budel, T.; Pravettoni, M.; Kenny, R.P.; Dunlop, E.D.;
A luminescent solar concentrator with 7.1% power conversion efficiency
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Kvande, R.; Geerligs, L.J.; Coletti, G.; Arnberg, L.; Di Sabatino, M.; Ovrelid, E.J.; Swanson, C.;
Distribution of iron in multicrystalline silicon ingots
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Walspurger, S.; Cobden, P.D.; Elzinga, G.D.; Haije, W.G.; Brink, R.W. van den;
The Crucial Role of the K+-Aluminium Oxide Interaction in K+-Promoted Alumina- and Hydrotalcite-Based materials for CO2 Sorption at High Temperatures
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Erisman, J.W.; Sutton, M.;
Reduced nitrogen in ecology and the environment: Special issue of the ESF-FWF Conference in partnership with LFUI, October 2006
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Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.154, p.357-358.
Galloway, J.N.; Townsend, A.R.; Erisman, J.W.; Bekunda, M.; Cai, Z.; Freney, J.R.; Martinelli, L.A.; Seitzinger, S.P.; Sutton, M.;
Transformation of the Nitrogen Cycle: Recent Trends, Questions, and Potential Solutions
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Aneja, V.P.; Schlesinger, W.H.; Erisman, J.W.;
Farming pollution
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Erisman, J.W.; Bleeker, A.; Galloway, J.N.; Sutton, M.;
Reduced nitrogen in ecology and the environment
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Sutton, M.; Nemitz, E.; Erisman, J.W.; Beier, C.; Butterbach Bahl, K.; Cellier, P.; Vries, W. de; Cotrufo, F.; Skiba, U.; Di Marco, C.; Jones, S.; Laville, P.; Soussana, J.F.; Loubet, B.; Twigg, M.; Famulari, D.; Whitehead, J.; Gallagher, M.W.; Neftel, A.; Flechard, C.; Herrmann, B.; Calanca, P.L.; Schjoerring, J.K.; Dammgen, U.; Horvath, L.; Tang, Y.S.; Emmett, B.A.; Tietema, A.; Penuelas, J.; Kesik, M.; Brueggemann, N.; Pilegaard, K.; Vesala, T.; Campbell, C.L.; Olesen, J.E.; Dragosits, U.; Theobald, M.R.; Levy, P.; Mobbs, D.C.; Milne, R.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N.; Smith, J.U.; Smith, P.; Bergamaschi, P.; Fowler, D.; Reis, S.;
Challenges in quantifying biosphere-atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species
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Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.150, p.125-139.
Carter, C.M.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Cooling, D.; Zomeren, A. van; Matheson , T.;
Characterization of untreated and neutralized bauxite residue for improved waste management
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Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc), 2008, Ed.25, no. 4, p.-.
Abdullah, N.; Gerhauser, H.;
Bio-oil derived from empty fruit bunches
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Dijkstra, J.J.; Meeussen, J.C.L.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Comans, R.N.J.;
A consistent geochemical modelling approach for the leaching and reactive transport of major and trace elements in MSWI bottom ash
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Zomeren, A. van; Weij - Zuiver, E. van der; Comans, R.N.J.;
Development of an automated system for isolation and purification of humic substances
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Gepubliceerd in: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer), , Ed., p.-.
Erisman, J.W.; Bleeker, A.; Hensen, A.; Vermeulen, A.T.;
Agricultural air quality in Europe and the future perspectives
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Casso-Torralba, P.; Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Bosveld, F.C.; Soler, M.R.; Vermeulen, A.T.; Werner, C.; Moors, E.J.;
Diurnal and vertical variability of the sensible heat and carbon dioxide budgets in the atmospheric surface layer
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Law, R.M.; Peters, W. ; Rödenbeck, C.; Aulagnier, C.; Baker, I.T.; Bergmann, D.J.; Bousquet, P.; Brandt, J.; Bruhwiler, L.; Cameron-Smith, P.J.; Christensen, J.H.; Delage, F.; Denning, A.S.; Fan, S.; Geels, C.; Houweling, Z.S.; Imasu, R.; Karstens, U.; Kawa, S.R.; Kleist, J.; Krol, M.C.; Lin, S.-J.; Lokupitiya, R.; Maki, T.; Maksyutov, S.; Niwa, Y.; Onishi, R.; Parazoo, N.; Patra, P.K.; Pieterse, G.; Rivier, L.; Satoh, M.; Serrar, S.; Taguchi, S.; Takigawa, M.; Vautard, R.; Vermeulen, A.T.; Zhu, Z.;
TransCom model simulations of hourly atmospheric CO2: Experimental overview and diurnal cycle results for 2002
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Gepubliceerd in: Global Biochemical Cycles (AGU), , Ed., p.-.
Lianou, M.; Chalbot, M.-C.; Kotronarou, A.; Kavouras, I.; Karakatsani, A.; Katsouyanni, K.; Puustinen, A.; Hämeri, K.; Vallius, M.; Pekkanen, J.; Meddings, C.; Harrison, R.; Thomas, S.; Ayres, J.G.; Brink, H.M. ten; Kos, G.P.A.; Meliefste, K.; Hartog, J. de; Hoek, G.;
Dependence of Home Outdoor Particulate Mass and Number Concentrations on Residential and Traffic Features in Urban Areas
augustus 2008;
13 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), , Ed., p.-.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Verbruggen, T.W.; Braam, H.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Xiang, Jianping; Watson, S.;
Assessment of Condition Monitoring Techniques for Offshore Wind Farms
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Neelis, M.; Patel, M.; Blok, K.; Haije, W.G.; Bach, P.W.;
Approximation of theoretical energy-saving potentials for the petrochemical industry using energy balances for 68 key processes
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Castricum, H.L.; Sah, A.; Geenevasen, J.A.J.; Kreiter, R.; Blank, D.H.A.; Vente, J.F.; Elshof, J.E. ten;
Structure of hybrid organic-inorganic sols for the preparation of hydrothermally stable membranes
juni 2008;
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Kreiter, R.; Vente, J.F.; Castricum, H.L.; Sah, A.; Blank, D.H.A.; Elshof, J.E. ten;
Hydrothermally stable molecular separation membranes from organically linked silica
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Kreiter, R.; Wolfs, D.P.; Engelen, C.W.R.; Veen, H.M. van; Vente, J.F.;
High-temperature pervaporation performance of ceramic-supported polyimide membranes in the dehydration of alcohols
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Baldi, A.; Borsa, D.M.; Schreuders, H.; Rector, J.H.; Atmakidis, T.; Bakker, M.; Zondag, H.A.; Helden, W.G.J. van; Dam, B.; Griessen, R.;
Mg-Ti-H thin films as switchable solar absorbers
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Macdonald, D.; Cuevas, A.; Geerligs, L.J.;
Measuring dopant concentrations in compensated p-type crystalline silicon via iron-acceptor pairing
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Coninck, H.C. de; Haake , F.; Linden, N.H. van der;
Technology transfer in the Clean Development Mechanism
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Lenes, M.; Wetzelaer, G.J.A.H.; Kooistra, F.B.; Veenstra, S.C.; Hummelen, J.C.; Blom, P.W.M.;
Fullerene bisadducts for enhanced open-circuit voltages and efficiencies in polymer solar cells
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Kotlarski, J.D.; Blom, P.W.M.; Koster, L.J.A.; Lenes, M.; Slooff, L.H.;
Combined optical and electrical modeling of polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
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Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Applied Physics (American Institute of Physics), 2008, Ed.103, p.084502-1-084502-5.
Kreiter, R.; Vente, J.F.; Castricum, H.L.; Sah, A.; Blank, D.H.A.; Elshof, J.E. ten;
Hybrid ceramic nanosieves: stabilizing nanopores with organic links
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Gepubliceerd in: Chemcomm (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2008, Ed.Issue 9, p.1103-1105.
Tijani, M.E.H.; Spoelstra, S.;
Study of a coaxial thermoacoustic-Stirling cooler
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Gepubliceerd in: Cryogenics (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.vol. 48, p.77-82.
Schoots, K.; Ferioli, F.; Kramer, G.J.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Learning curves for hydrogen production technology: An assessment of observed cost reductions
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Gepubliceerd in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.33, p.2630-2645.
Lise, W.; Hobbs, B.F.; Hers, J.S.;
Market power in the European electricity market - The impacts of dry weather and additional transmission capacity
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Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.36 , p.1331-1343.
Wienke, J.A.; Zanden, B. van der ; Zeman, M.; Tijssen, M.;
Performance of spray deposited ZnO:In layers as front electrodes in thin-film silicon solar cells
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Gepubliceerd in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.92, p.884-890.
Veen, H.M. van; Pex, P.P.A.C.; Verhoef, A.; Degrève, J.; Huybrechs, B.; Bruggen, B. Van der;
Simulation of a hybrid prevaporation-distillation process
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Gepubliceerd in: Computers & Chemical Engineering (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.32, p.1135-1146.
Mihailetchi, V.D.; Komatsu, Y.; Geerligs, L.J.;
Nitric acid pretreatment for the passivation of boron emitters for n-type base silicon solar cells
maart 2008;
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Gepubliceerd in: Applied Physics Letters (American Institute of Physics), 2008, Ed.92, p.-.
Pieterse, G.; Vermeulen, A.T.; Baker, I.T.; Denning, A.S.;
Lagrangian transport modelling for CO2 using two different biosphere models
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Gepubliceerd in: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (Copernicus Publications), 2008, Ed.8, p.4117-4154.
Coninck, H.C. de;
Trojan horse or horn of plenty? Reflections on allowing CCS in the CDM
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Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.36 (3), p.929-936.
Hoek, G.; Kos, G.P.A.; Harrison, R.; Hartog, J. de; Meliefste, K.; Brink, H.M. ten; Katsouyanni, K.; Karakatsani, A.; Lianou, M.; Kotronarou, A.; Kavouras, I.; Pekkanen, J.; Vallius, M.; Kulmala, M.; Puustinen, A.; Thomas, S.; Meddings, C.; Ayres, J.G.; Wijnen, J.H. van; Hämeri, K.;
Indoor–outdoor relationships of particle number and mass in four European cities
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Gepubliceerd in: Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.42, p.156-169.
Youngman, R. ; Schmidt , J.; Lee, J.; Coninck, H.C. de;
Evaluating technology transfer in the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation
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Gepubliceerd in: Climate Policy (Earthscan), 2008, Ed.7 (6), p.488-499.
Coninck, H.C. de; Fischer, C.; Newell, R.G.; Ueno, T..;
International technology-oriented agreements to address climate change
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Gepubliceerd in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2008, Ed.36 (1), p.335-356.
Lenzmann, F.O.; Kroon, J.M.;
Recent advances in dye-sensitized solar cells
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Haije, W.G.; Bevers, E.R.T.; Oonk, H.A.J.; Ekeren, P.J. van;
Investigation of thermodynamic properties of magnesium chloride amines by HPDSC and TG; For application in a high-lift high-temperature chemical heat pump
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Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer US), 2007, Ed.90, p.923-929.