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Publicaties van unit Windenergie in 2012.
Lindenburg, C.;
Analytical verification of flutter prediction for large wind turbine rotor blades
ECN-M--12-077 EN december 2012; 2 pag.
Sanderse, B.;
Energy-conserving Runge-Kutta methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
ECN-W--12-046 EN november 2012; 33 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Computational Physics (Elsevier), 2013, Ed.233, p.100-131.
Verbruggen, T.W.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Braam, H.;
Fibre Optic Blade Monitoring - Development of a cost effective system for O&M optimisation
ECN-E--12-018 EN oktober 2012; 46 pag.
Sanderse, B.;
Immersed Actuator Methods
ECN-M--12-066 EN oktober 2012; 23 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.; Eecen, P.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The influence of wind farms on the wind speed above the wind farms
ECN-M--12-067 EN oktober 2012; 8 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.; Eecen, P.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The influence of wind farms on the wind speed above the wind farms
ECN-M--12-068 EN oktober 2012; 21 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Boorsma, K.; Cho, T.; Gomez-Iradi, S.; Schaffarczyk, P.; Jeromin, A.; Shen, W.Z.; Lutz, T.; Meister, K.; Stoevesandt, B.; Schreck, S.; Micallef, D.; Pereira, R.; Sant, T.; Madsen, H.; Sorensen, N.;
Final report of IEA Task 29, Mexnext (Phase 1): Analysis of Mexico wind tunnel measurements
ECN-E--12-004 EN september 2012; 290 pag.
Vaal, J.B. de; Holierhoek, J.G.; Zuijlen, A.H. van; Bijl, H.;
Comparing different dynamic stall models
ECN-W--12-029 EN juli 2012; 21 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Wind Energy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 2012, 2012, p.---.
Holierhoek, J.G.; Lekou, D.J.; Hecquet, T.; Söker, H.; Ehlers, B.; Savenije, F.J.; Engels, W.P.; Pieterman, R.P. van de; Ristow, M.; Kochmann, M.; Smolders, K.; Peeters, J.;
PROcedures for TESTing and measuring wind turbine components; results for yaw and pitch system and drive train
ECN-W--12-030 EN juli 2012; 18 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Wind Energy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 2012, 2012, p.---.
Kanev, S.K.; Engelen, T.G. van; Engels, W.P.; Wei, X.; Dong, J.; Verhaegen, M.;
Sustainable Control. a new approach to operate wind turbines. Final public report
ECN-E--12-028 EN juni 2012; 263 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Hybrid Optimization for Wind Turbine Thick Airfoils
ECN-M--12-022 EN juni 2012; 13 pag.
Eecen, P.J.; Bijleveld, H.; Sanderse, B.;
Wind energy research developments of advanced design tools
ECN-V--12-008 EN mei 2012; 5 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Europhysics News (EDPS), 2012, Ed.March-April, p.18-21.
Brand, A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Eecen, P.J.; Holtslag, M.C.;
Database of measurements on the offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee
ECN-M--12-012 EN april 2012; 8 pag.
Visser, D.C.; Houkema, M.; Siccama, N.B.; Komen, E.M.J.;
Validation of FLUENT CFD model for hydrogen distribution in a containment
ECN-W--12-014 EN april 2012; 12 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Nuclear Engineering and Design (Elsevier), 2012, Ed.245, p.161-171.
Wagenaar, J.W.; Machielse, L.A.H.; Schepers, J.G.;
Controlling Wind in ECN's Scaled Wind Farm
ECN-M--12-007 EN april 2012; 13 pag.
Eecen, P.J.; Masson, Ch.; Ameur, K.;
2D and 3D numerical simulation of the wind-rotor/nacelle interaction in an atmospheric boundary layer
ECN-W--12-012 EN april 2012; 13 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Grasso, F.;
Design and Optimization of Tidal Turbine Airfoil
ECN-W--12-008 EN maart 2012; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Aircraft (AIAA), 2012, Ed.49, p.636-643.
Sanderse, B.; Koren, B. |;
Accuracy analysis of explicit Runge-Kutta methods applied to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
ECN-W--12-007 EN februari 2012; 24 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Computational Physics (Elsevier), 2012, Ed.231, p.3041-3063.
Boorsma, K.; Grasso, F.; Holierhoek, J.G.;
Enhanced approach for simulation of rotor aerodynamic loads
ECN-M--12-003 EN februari 2012; 17 pag.
Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.;
Enhanced wind turbine noise prediction tool SILANT
ECN-M--12-004 EN februari 2012; 17 pag.
Garrel, A. van;
Development of a Wind Turbine Rotor Flow Panel Method
ECN-E--11-071 EN januari 2012; 52 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Development of thick airfoils for wind turbines
ECN-M--12-001 EN januari 2012; 12 pag.
Ceyhan, O.;
Towards 20MW wind turbine: High Reynolds number effects on rotor design
ECN-M--12-002 EN januari 2012; 15 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
ECN-M--11-109 EN januari 2012; 12 pag.