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Publicaties van unit Windenergie in 2017.
Peeringa, J.M.; Bedon, G.;
Structural Reliability Assessment of a 4MW Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile
ECN-E--17-069 EN december 2017; 44 pag.
Saraswati, N.; Stehly, T.; Dewan, A.; Delmarre, A.;
Operation and Maintenance Map of USA Offshore Wind Farms
ECN-E--17-028 EN november 2017; 73 pag.
Stettner, M.; Reijerkerk, M.J.; Lünenschloss, A.; Riziotis, V.; Croce, A.; Sartori, L.; Riva, R.; Peeringa, J.M.;
Stall-Induced Vibrations of the AVATAR Rotor Blade
ECN-W--17-036 EN november 2017; 12 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Physics, Conference Series (IOP Conference Series), 2017, Ed.753, p.1-11.
Engels, W.P.; Marina, A.J.; Kanev, S.K.; Hoek, D.C. van der;
Condition based control
ECN-E--17-047 EN oktober 2017; 55 pag.
Kanev, S.K.; Bulder, B.H.;
Integral impact of D4REL on the cost of energy at system level
ECN-E--17-050 EN september 2017; 22 pag.
Kanev, S.K.; Shipurkar, U.; Baldacino, D.; Ozdemir, H.; Peeringa, J.M.; Gunes, Y.;
Design for Reliable power performance (D4REL); Final report
ECN-E--17-051 EN september 2017; 68 pag.
Hoek, D.C. van der; Kanev, S.K.;
Reducing Wind Turbine Loads with Down-Regulation
ECN-E--17-032 EN september 2017; 19 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.; Bulder, B.H.;
Windsnelheidseffecten achter windturbines
ECN-E--17-034 NL juli 2017; 24 pag.
Dewan, A.; Stehly, T.;
Mapping O&M Strategy for US offshore wind farms
ECN-M--17-017 EN juli 2017; 61 pag.
Dewan, A.;
Global Mapping of Maintenance Strategies with Quantification of Key Performance Indicators
ECN-M--17-018 EN juli 2017; 22 pag.
Hartl, P.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.;
Review of investment model cost parameters for VSC HVDC transmission infrastructure
ECN-W--17-015 EN juni 2017; 13 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier), 2017, Ed.151, p.419-431.
Kalken, van J.; Ceyhan, O.;
InnoTIP end report rev 2
ECN-O--17-011 EN mei 2017; 72 pag.
Peeringa, J.M.; Asgarpour, M.;
Framework for Reliability Assessment of Offshore Wind Support Structures
ECN-E--16-067 EN maart 2017; 23 pag.
Bulder, B.H.; Nijssen, R.P.L.; Polinder, H.; Shrestha, G.; Vries, H. de; Rasool, S.; Winkel, G.D. de; Zuijlen, A.H. van; Ashuri, T.; Sterenborg, J.J.H.M.; Bijleveld, H.A.;
Final report INNWIND Consortium; Innovation in Design Knowledge Wind Conversion Offshore; A new generation of design tools, components and materials for the wind turbines of tomorrow
ECN-E--12-060 EN maart 2017; 147 pag.
Kanev, S.K.;
Extreme Turbulence Control for Wind Turbines
ECN-E--16-062 EN februari 2017; 30 pag.
Hasager, C.B.; Mikkelsen, T.; Angelou, N.; Pena, A.; Giebel, G.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Schepers, J.G.; Werkhoven, E.J.;
ECN-M--17-006 EN februari 2017; 14 pag.
Wouters, D.A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
Evaluation of iSpin anemometry uncertainty analysis
ECN-E--16-065 EN februari 2017; 28 pag.
Poodt, M.J.S.; Wouters, D.A.J.;
LAWINE Task A analysis report: on the added benefits of ground-based lidar for turbine load measurements
ECN-E--16-051 EN februari 2017; 30 pag.
Ozdemir, H.; Garrel, A. van; Koodly Ravishankara, A.; Passalacqua, F.; Seubers, H.J.;
Unsteady Interacting Boundary Layer Method
ECN-M--17-002 EN januari 2017; 21 pag.
Ozdemir, H.; Ramanujam, G.;
Improving Airfoil Lift Prediction
ECN-M--17-003 EN januari 2017; 12 pag.
Hermans, K.W.; Peeringa, J.M.; Verbruggen, T.;
The influence of offshore floating foundations to the wind turbine generator. A study using aNySIMPHATAS
ECN-E--16-032 EN januari 2017; 66 pag.