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ECN publicatie:
Aanpassing Analysetool van het optiedocument
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 31-12-2009
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-E--09-086 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
50 Download PDF  (1028kB)

The Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency (PBL) expressed a clear will to use the Analysis Tool of the ‘Optiedocument’ themselves. This project aimed to improve the accessibility and understanding of the first five (and main) data input pages of the Tool, enabling users to set up and conduct emission (or other) reduction runs. For each input page, a thorough lay-out overhaul was done and on-line help information was added to make the Tool self-explanatory. Furthermore, the link with the result pages was strengthened, thus increasing the usability of the Tool for PBL. Finally, a brief description on how to perform model runs with various targets and boundary conditions is included.

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