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ECN publicatie:
Energy use indicators for the Netherlands: Dutch contribution to the IEA/OECD programme on indicators
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1997
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--97-035 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
39 Download PDF  (1357kB)

Energy data are compiled to help analyse the development of energy use indifferent countries and the OECD as a whole. The analysis has been directed mainly at the energy use in relation to GDP (gross domestic product) and at the fuel mix. In 1996 the IEA has forwarded a proposal to the representatives of the countries, called 'Minimum Set of Energy Use Indicators. Better energy data and trend analysis; a proposal for the program of work' The proposal is directed at a further analysis of indicators on a sectoral level, with emphasis on the comparability between OECD countries. A number of countries has been asked to deliver the set of indicators (presented in Appendix 1) to the IEA project team and to participate in the discussion of the results at a workshop at the end of 1996. In 1997 an IEA publication on the results of the project should be available. This document, produced by ECN Policy Studies on request of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (DGE/EA), contains the first contribution of the Netherlands to the IEA project on indicators. The work has been done in close collaboration with the Department of Science, Technology and Society of Utrecht University (NWS-UU). The results are presented in four chapters for the sectors manufacturing, services, households, and transportation. Wherever possible statistical information has been collected for the period 1980-1995. In every chapter information is given about the way the results were collected (definitions, sources of information, climate corrections, etc.). With regard to the proposed discussion at the workshop, a number of remarks have been made about the problems of collecting data and the interpretation of the results. Chapter 6 consists of a more general discussion of the meaning and usefulness of the set of indicators. 2 figs., 16 tabs., 33 refs.

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