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ECN publicatie:
Advanced Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Designs : ACE-Designs publishable report
Schönecker, A.; Eikelboom, D.W.K.; Manshanden, P.; Goris, M.J.A.A.; Wyers, G.P.; Roberts, S.; Bruton, T.M.; Jooss, W.; Faika, K.; Kress, A.; Fath, P.; Ferrazza, F.; Kerschaver, E. van; Szulufcik, J.; Leistiko, O.; Jorgensen, A.; Glunz, S.; Dicker, J.; Kray, D.; Sölter, J.; Schäfer, S.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 1-11-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--01-115 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
26 Download PDF  (1835kB)

The objective of this project is: the development of at least one advanced, crystalline silicon solar cell technology with the following characteristics:-Better commercialization aspects than the standard technology, -A design that can be easily used on larger substrates for large scale power production, -Higher efficiencies than standard crystalline silicon solar cells made by the same technology. The project was divided into three main tasks. First the different solar cell designs were discussed and simulated by computer programmes. The common problems like increased recombination, shunting as well as series resistance problems were examined. In the second phase the solar cells were manufactured according to the cell designs as defined in phase one. The cell process parameters were optimised to testify the potential of the designs. In the third phase, concepts were developed to improve laboratory-scale methods to a large-scale production level and a description of a complete rear contact, crystalline silicon solar cell technology from starting material up to module design was worked out. Many different wafer treatment technologies such as laser cutting, plasma etching and mechanical wafer treatments were successfully tested. Sixteen different types of back contact solar cell prototypes were made in the first project phase, from which nine classes of cells were selected for further development in the second phase. At the end of the second phase an assessment task was performed to select the cell type showing the best chances for future commercialisation. As the assessment showed similar results for different technologies, the selection was based upon the interest of one of the industrial partners. The work on other promising rear contacted cell concepts was extended. After the successful completion of the third phase the overall project resulted in improved crystalline silicon solar cell technologies with the following characteristics: all-back-contact cells with improved efficiency and the prospect for a better cost/Wp compared to ?standard? crystalline silicon solar cell technology. From these cells prototypes of solar modules were produced by module technologies that take into account the special characteristic of the rear side contacts. Based on the competitive cost/Wp ratio and the improved appearance of the modules an exploitation of the results by replacing existing technology in future solar cell production lines is expected.

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