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Publicaties van auteur Ros, M.E. 
Ros, M.E.; Weeda, M.; Jeeninga, H.;
Snapshots of hydrogen uptake in the future
ECN-E--07-056 EN juni 2008; 69 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Jeeninga, H.; Ros, M.E.;
Entering the next phase towards commercialization of hydrogen vehicles - role and interest of various stakeholders
ECN-M--08-033 EN mei 2008; 6 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: EET 2008 Ele Drive Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 11-13 maart 2008.
Ros, M.E.; Jeeninga, H.; Bunzeck, I.G.;
Support hydrogen for transport: a comparison of incentives for producers and consumers in Europe and the US
ECN-M--08-029 EN maart 2008; 9 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: NHA conference 2008, Sacramento, USA, 30 maart 2008-3 april 2008.
Jeeninga, H.; Ros, M.E.; Godfroij, P.;
Policy support for large scale demonstration projects for transport. Summary report HyLights phase I.
ECN-E--06-065 EN augustus 2007; 20 pag.
Godfroij, P.; Ros, M.E.; Jeeninga, H.;
Methodology to assess stakeholder requirements and interests. The GAPS analysis, deliverable 4.2
ECN-E--06-066 EN juli 2007; 29 pag.
Lako, P.; Ros, M.E.;
Public and private energy RTD expenditures in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A pilot study on behalf of SenterNovem based on an IEA format
ECN-E--07-035 EN juni 2007; 80 pag.
Ros, M.E.; Jeeninga, H.; Godfroij, P.;
Support of future lighthouse projects and beyond: managing the transition to hydrogen for transport
ECN-M--07-042 EN juni 2007; 8 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 3rd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 18-22 juni 2007.
Ros, M.E.; Jeeninga, H.; Godfroij, P.;
Policy support for large scale demonstration projects for hydrogen use in transport. Deliverable D 5.1 (Part B)
ECN-E--06-064 EN juni 2007; 65 pag.
Godfroij, P.; Jeeninga, H.; Ros, M.E.; Bunzeck, I.G.;
Early markets for hydrogen vehicles. Bridging the gap between R&D and commercialisation
ECN-M--07-041 EN mei 2007; 6 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: EET-2007 European Ele-Drive Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 30 mei 2007-1 juni 2007.
Lako, P.; Ros, M.E.;
R&D expenditure for H2 and FC as indicator for political will
ECN-E--06-046 EN december 2006; 56 pag.
Jeeninga, H.; Ros, M.E.; Volkers, C.H.;
Analyse energiegebruik en CO2-emissies voor het Transitieactieplan. Achtergrondrapport
ECN-C--06-027 NL mei 2006; 23 pag.