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ECN publicatie:
Single-step laminated full-size PV modules made with back-contacted MC-Si cells and conductive adhesives
Jong, P.C. de; Eikelboom, D.W.K.; Kinderman, R.; Tip, A.C.; Bultman, J.H.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.; Nieuwenhof, M.A.C.J. van den
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 1-6-2004
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-RX--04-067 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
4 Download PDF  (296kB)

Gepresenteerd op: 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 7-11 juni 2004.


An alternative way for producing PV modules is presented. These modules are equipped with back-contacted cells connected to an interconnection foil by means of electrically conductive adhesives. The interconnection foil is a modification of standard back-sheet foil. The conductive adhesive is cured together with the EVA encapsulant, which implies a single-shot interconnection and lamination cycle. The savings in labor, reduction of machine equipment and a higher module efficiency lead to a reduction of the ?/Wp price. Measurements show that modules can be produced with a higher power output when compared to modules using soldered standard cells. Outdoor test results show the viability of the concept.

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