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ECN publicatie:
New results out of the DOWEC project; design variations on a 500 MW wind farm
Herman, S.A.; Kooijman, H.J.T.; Hendriks, H.B.; Zaaijer, M.B.; Brug, E. van de; Velde, W. op den; Winnemuller, A.; Berg, R. van den
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Windenergie 1-6-2003
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-RX--03-042 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
10 Download PDF  (590kB)

Gepresenteerd op: European Wind Energy Conference 2003, Madrid, Spain, 16-19 juni 2003.

In 1999 the DOWEC (Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Converter) consortiumstarted the development of a large wind turbine designed for large-scale offshore application. The consortium consists of the wind turbine manufacturer NEG Micon, the blade manufacturer LM Glasfiber Holland, offshore contractors Ballast Nedam and Van Oord ACZ, and the research institutes Delft University of Technology and the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands. The project aims at the integrated design, development and testing of a large-scale offshore wind farm. Different concepts for the wind farm and the wind turbine have been evaluated. The project includes the design and testing of a 2.75 MW NEG Micon prototype machine, which has been erected at the ECN Wind Turbine Test Farm Wieringermeer in February 2003.

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