How may CCS technology affect the electricity market in North-Western Europe?
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Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), , February 2009, Vol.1, p.4181-4191.
The EU electricity market is changing. Electricity demand in Europe is on the rise, the power plant fleet is aging, and a large share of the capacity
will need to be replaced in the coming decades. An ambitious target has been formulated for the share of renewable energy, and CO2 prices are
anticipated to increase. On top of this, CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) has appeared as an important technology in the transition to a long term
sustainable energy supply. This paper discusses the implications all of the above developments for the EU electricity market, with an emphasis on
the market North Western Europe. On the whole electricity prices in North Western Europe until 2020 are anticipated to increase, but this may
only partly be ascribed to the pending introduction of CCS.
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