Meeting report of the joint IPCC/TEAP expert meeting on options for the limitation of emissions of HFCs and PFCs, Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN), Petten, 26-28 May, 1999
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ECN publicatienummer:
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry of Environment (VROM) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (), , , Vol., p.-.
Major findings and discussions from the Expert Meeting on 'Options forthe Limitation of Emissions of HFCs and PFCs are presented. The Joint Expert
Meeting was sponsored by the IPCC Working Group III and the Technology and
Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) of the Montreal Protocol. In 1998,
developing countries expressed concern that actions taken under the Kyoto
Protocol to control HFCs and PFCs could have implications for their
development process. Manufacturers of products that use or might use HFCs and
PFCs also sought clarification. It is for this reason that Sri Lanka tabled a
proposal at the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) meeting under the Montreal
Protocol in Geneva, Switzerland, June 1998. Two decisions were taken on the
issue of limitation of HFC and PFC emissions: one decision was adopted by the
Parties to the UNFCCC, and at their 10th Meeting in Cairo, Egypt, the Parties
to the Montreal Protocol adopted a complementary decision. In November 1998,
the 4th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC adopted a decision (Decision
13/CP.4, document FCCC/CP/16/Add.1), which invited organisations, including
the relevant bodies of the Montreal Protocol, 'to provide information by July
15, 1999', and encouraged 'the convening of a workshop by the IPCC and the
Technology and Economic Assessment Panel of the Montreal Protocol in 1999
which will assist SBSTA to establish information on available and potential
ways and means of limiting emissions of hydrofluorocarbons and
perfluorocarbons.' In November 1998, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
adopted a decision in which they requested the TEAP (in Decision X/16) to
provide such information to the UNFCCC and to assess the implications to the
Montreal Protocol of the inclusion of HFCs and PFCs in the Kyoto Protocol and
to report these findings to the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties to the
Montreal Protocol. In addition, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol also
encouraged the IPCC and TEAP to jointly convene a workshop on 'available and
potential ways and means' of limiting emissions of HFCs and PFCs. The
Technical Support Unit of the IPCC WGIll and the TEAP took the responsibility
for co-organising the Joint Expert Meeting. This report is divided into five
sections. The first section provides background material. The second covers
current uses of HFC, PFC and SF6 chemicals and projected consumption and
emissions as presented in plenary and working group sessions during the Joint
Expert Meeting. Working group discussions are summarised in the third
section. Background information on the issues discussed is summarised, areas
of convergence and divergence are highlighted and major findings are listed.
The overall outcome and a list of issues that need additional study are
presented in the fourth section. Additional material from the working group
sessions is presented in Annexes. Papers presented at the meeting are
provided in a separate volume (the Table of Contents of this volume can be
found in Annex 1). 19 refs.
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