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ECN publicatie:
On the use of WIMS-7 for calculations on accelerator-driven systems
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-R--97-017 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
27  Niet beschikbaar.

The WIMS-7 code package has successfully been applied for a simplebenchmark of a lead-cooled accelerator-driven system (ADS). With WIMS-7 it is possible to model a fixed source and to calculate the multiplication in a subcritical system. The calculations have shown that WIMS-7 is capable of treating this benchmark of a homogenized lead-cooled system with a fast neutron spectrum. The results described in this report are very promising and stimulate further investigation of WIMS-7 to study ADS-applications and lead-cooled reactor cores. It is useful to have a more extensive validation of WIMS-7 for lead-cooled ADS. In this report we have only considered a simple homogenized system. In the near future the application of WIMS-7 will be twofold. First, WIMS-7 can be applied to calculate the neutron spectrum in an accelerator-driven system in order to perform transmutation studies with a burnup code. Second, WIMS-7 can be used to study in more detail the neutronics of accelerator-driven systems. This is useful in order to learn more about the physics of accelerator-driven systems. 6 refs.

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