De uitvoeringsnota klimaatbeleid doorgelicht. Een analyse op basis van het Optiedocument
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ECN rapport
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In June 1999 the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and theEnvironment (VROM) published the Netherlands Climate Policy Implementation
Plan. In this Plan the Dutch policy choices to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in 2008-2012 in order to reach the Kyoto target are outlined. Based
on a long term scenario with high economic growth and rapid technological
developments, the necessary reduction to reach the Kyoto target is 50 Mton
CO2-equivalents. The Plan focuses on measures to be taken domestically;
these measures should lead to a reduction of 25 Mton. The other half of the
necessary reduction is expected to be realized by means of the so-called
flexible instruments. On this subject a separate part of the Plan will be
published at a later stage. The choices made in the Plan are mainly based on
the report of ECN/RIVM that was published in October 1998: 'Options for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions', describing potentials, costs and possible
policy instruments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Based on the policy
instruments selected in the Plan, it is now possible to determine which part
of the reduction potential can actually be achieved, which is the main
function of this report. The expected reduction, the costs of measures to be
taken and the expenditures of the government are described. Part of the 25
Mton reduction target (#+#15 Mton) can be expected to be realized by the
policy instruments presented in the Plan. For the other 10 Mton there is more
uncertainty, either caused by the fact that extra policy instruments are
necessary or that the effectiveness of policy instruments chosen is not sure
yet. The estimated annual costs in 2010 for the 25 Mton reduction are about
1.5 billion Dutch guilders. The annual government expenditures are about 1
billion Dutch guilders. 18 refs.
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