Renewable electricity and liberalising markets: phase 1: inception report
Bitzan, G.; Reisinger, H.; Meyer, N.I.; Kuehn, I.; Delkis, K.; Perrakis, K.; Capros, P.; Schaeffer, G.J.; Koutstaal, P.; Bess, M.; Croockall-Fallon, C.
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ECN rapport
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The Renewable Electricity and Liberalised Markets (REALM) project(contract No. JOR3CT-98-0290) is a project with a contribution from the
European Commission Directorate for Research and Development. It aims to
systematically investigate the position of renewable electricity against the
background of liberalising markets from the perspective of the electricity
sector. The project started in May 1998 and will be concluded in October
1999. Participants come from six different European countries: UK, The
Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Greece and Austria. The first task of the
project has been to make an inventory of the state of liberalisation and
renewable energy policies in the participating countries. For this purpose
each partner in the project has produced country Briefing Papers with
detailed information on the state of electricity liberalisation and
renewables in each of the six partner countries. The briefing papers (a)
describe the background and position of renewable energy in the electricity
sector of each partner country, (b) describe the process and the driving
forces in electricity sector liberalisation, (c) identify the background,
basic concerns, expectations and interests of the utility partners, and (d)
outline the project partners' ideas on survey strategies. This report
reflects the contents of these Country Briefing Papers, which are added
integrally as attachments. The inception report has functioned as a starting
point for the other activities in the project: (1) Baseline Survey among the
European Electricity Utilities, (2) Risk and Opportunity analysis for the
European Electricity Utilities, (3) Individual Country/Utility Position
Papers, and (4) Integrated European Renewable Electricity Action Plan. The
findings of this report can be summarised as follows: (A) All partner
countries have liberalised, or are in the process of liberalisation well
beyond the EU directive (i.e. Member States are liberalising more rapidly and
to a further extent than set out in the electricity directive); (B)
Liberalisation provides utilities with a range of risks, benefits and
opportunities; (C) Some countries are further along the liberalisation path
than others. However, 'liberalisation' means different things in different
countries; (D) There is a variety of incentive schemes for renewables within
the member states of the European Union. The same is true for the degree of
penetration of renewables; and (E) There are various definitions of what
counts as renewable electricity in the different member states. Sometimes
there are even different definitions within member states. 34 refs.
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