Brass board integration of a reformer/fuel cell/battery/electricmotor system for electric traction: eindrapport fase I: 1993,
januari 1993 tot januari 1994
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ECN publicatienummer:
Publicatie type:
ECN rapport
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The main aims of the study on the title subject are to integrate a 20 kWesolid polymer fuel cell (SPFC) system with a methanol reformer, batteries and
an electric motor, to design and to construct a control system for the
integrated fuel cell system, and to test the integrated system under real
operational conditions. Attention is paid to the tasks divided over the
partners, the activities of ECN, HOLEC and TNO. An overview is given of the
results of the first phase with regard to the system analysis and control,
the SPFC stacks, the air compression system, the Volkswagen G40 scroll
compressor, the Mitsubishi turbocharger, the Grassair WIS compressor, and the
battery package. The knowledge, acquired from the integration project, can be
used for the application of such systems in electric vehicles, for finding
solutions to problems occurring when integrating the different sub-systems,
and to be able to model the performances of a vehicle, equipped with such an
integrated system. 7 figs., 1 tab., 3 refs.
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