Effect biobrandstoffen op fijn stof in de buitenlucht
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This study provides an overview of the impact of the future use of biomasson the PM10 concen-tration in the Netherlands. We conclude that the
present and future biomass-based emissions have a limited impact on
the PM10 concentration in the atmosphere.- In 2020 industrial
biomass emissions will have increased by about a factor 3, contributing
about 1% to the total domestic PM10 emission of anthropogenic origin.
This emission corre-sponds to a PM10 concentration in the atmospheric
air of about 0,02 ìg/m3.
- Emissions from private stoves have been estimated to decrease slightly,
in 2020 contributing about 3% to the total domestic PM10 emission of
anthropogenic origin. This emission con-tributes in the order of 0,05
ìg/m3 to the PM10 concentration in the atmospheric air. The av-erage
size of particles emitted by private stoves is large compared to particles
emitted by in-dustrial plants.
- The impact of foreign biomass emissions on the air quality in the
Netherlands is small. In 2020 the biomass-based PM10 emissions in Belgium,
France and Germany together will in-crease the PM10 concentration in
the atmospheric air of the Netherlands by about 0,01 ìg/m3.
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