Integral boundary layer methods for wind turbine aerodynamics; A literature survey
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The simulation of wind turbine rotor aerodynamics can be improved upon
by increasing the physics content in the underlying approximations.
The current effort is targeted at an aerodynamics model in which the
flow field is decomposed into two domains. The inviscid external flow
domain is modeled with a "panel method" type of flow solver and the
viscous regions are modeled with an integral boundary layer model. For
the simulation of separated flows the two models are coupled in strong
interaction. The technology for the "panel method" flow solver is considered
common knowledge and is not expected to raise serious problems during
its development. In this report the possibilities and difficulties in
the development of the integral boundary layer solver are investigated.
The feasibility of the development of the rotor aerodynamics simulation
code is shown through a discussion of succesful integral boundary layer
approaches based on the conservation form of the boundary layer equations
and the impact of time-dependency and rotor blade rotation related terms
on the system of equations. In addition a number of possible boundary
layer velocity profiles are described. As a result the development of
the targeted wind turbine rotor aerodynamics simulation code is recommended.
Due to the vast amount of possible solution strategies it is advised
to develop the boundary layer solver in close cooperation with experts
in the field of computational fluid dynamics.
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