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ECN publicatie:
Recycling van actiniden en splijtingsprodukten: jaarverslag onderzoeksprogramma 1996
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--97-049 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
43  Niet beschikbaar.

The research program on the title subject started in 1994 and is plannedto be completed in 1998. In this period several technical and scientific aspects of recycling and transmutation are investigated in different projects. The results of the 1996 projects are summarized and described in this report. The 1996 projects concern (1) the chemistry of actinides and inert matrices to test and characterize the matrices and actinide compounds in order to develop uranium-free fissionable materials for the transmutation of actinides; (2) the transmutation of plutonium in light water reactors (LWR) to assess and increase the burnup of plutonium and to assess the safety of plutonium transmutation in LWRs; (3) the radiological consequences of different nuclear fuel cycles; (4) and a reactor physics analysis of new thorium-based reactor systems to study the possibility to reduce the amount of long-living radioactive waste materials by means of the use of thorium-based compounds in a high-temperature reactor (HTR) or accelerators. 15 figs., 6 tabs., 23 refs.

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