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Publicaties van auteur Dodd, D.H. 
Dodd, D.H.; Grupa, J.B.; Heijdra, J.J.; Prij, J.;
A repository design for the retrievable disposal of radioactive waste in rock salt
ECN-RX--98-022 EN 1998; 17 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Paper to be presented at DISTEC '98, Disposal technologies and concepts 1998, 9th - 11th September 1998, Hamburg, Germany (), , Ed., p.-.
Dodd, D.H.; Seebregts, A.J.; Jansma, R.;
Legislation covering the decommissioning of nuclear installations: an overview of policies and recent developments
ECN-C--97-009 EN 1997; 46 pag.
Dodd, D.H.; Harry, R.J.S.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Konings, R.J.M.; Versteegh, A.M.;
Opwerking van Nederlandse splijtstof: een analyse
ECN-C--97-031 NL 1997; 49 pag.
Konings, R.J.M.; Bakker, K.; Dodd, D.H.; Gruppelaar, H.; Haas, J.B.M. de; Kloosterman, J.L.;
Recycling van actiniden en splijtingsprodukten: jaarverslag onderzoeksprogramma 1996
ECN-C--97-049 NL 1997; 43 pag.
Dodd, D.H.; Heijdra, J.J.; Prij, J.;
A repository design for the retrievable disposal of radioactive waste in rock salt
ECN-RX--97-054 EN 1997; 18 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Paper presented at the "4th International workshop on the design and construction of final repositories", 6-8 October 1997, Luce (), , Ed., p.-.
Dodd, D.H.; Hienen, J.F.A. van;
Technology assessment HTR: pt. 6: the radiological risks associated withthe thorium-fuelled High Temperature Reactor: a comparative risk evaluation
ECN-C--96-046 EN 1996; 60 pag.
Dodd, D.H.;
Decommissioning and material recycling: radiation risk management issues
ECN-I--96-040 EN 1996; 33 pag.
Gruppelaar, H.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutations of nuclear waste: progress report RAS programme 1995:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--96-002 EN 1996; 42 pag.
Dodd, D.H.;
The radiological impact associated with the recycling of actinides andfission products: a global assessment
ECN-R--96-003 EN 1996; 24 pag.
Dodd, D.H.;
External costs of the nuclear fuel cycle: a scoping study todetermine the external costs of the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle in accordance with the EC/US methodology
ECN-C--95-029 EN 1995; 66 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Dodd, D.H.; Gruppelaar, H.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Konings, R.J.M.;
Onderzoek transmutatie van actiniden in inerte matrices: verslag1994/1995
ECN-C--95-095 NL 1995; 30 pag.
Dodd, D.H.;
Assessing the radiological risks associated with technologiesstudied in the Dutch research programme for recycling actinides and fission products: a design study
ECN-C--95-097 EN 1995; 43 pag.
Dodd, D.H.; Hienen, J.F.A. van;
The radiological risks associated with the thorium fuelled HTGRfuel cycle: a comparative risk evaluation
ECN-I--95-039 EN 1995; 41 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Gruppelaar, H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Abrahams, K.; Blankenvoorde, P.J.A.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Konings, R.J.M.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutation of nuclear waste: status report RAS programme 1994:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--95-025 EN 1995; 107 pag.