Mogelijkheden voor toepassing van hernieuwbare energie in de glastuinbouw 1995-2010
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The results of a scenario analysis on the potential for renewable energyin greenhouses in The Netherlands are presented. Based on different energy
prices, the contribution of renewable energy towards the total energy usage
in 2010 in the greenhouse sector is estimated against the background of the
socio-economic European Co-ordination scenario. This contribution in 2010 is
varying between less than 1% at low energy prices to slightly more than 10%
at high energy prices. The main contributing technologies are gas-fueled heat
pumps for heat supply, wind turbines for electricity generation, the use of
water basins for thermal storage and geothermal heat in case of high energy
prices. The analysis includes a superficial sensitivity analysis on the input
data of the different technologies. 9 refs.
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