ECN publicatie:
Characterisation of power generation options for the 21st century: report on behalf of Macro task E1
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-12-1998
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--98-085 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
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An overview is given of power generation options in the MARKAL (MARKetALlocation) model for Western Europe. The MARKAL model has been used for the evaluation of the economic potential of fusion power in Western Europe in the 21st century. Such an evaluation was part of the so-called SERF (Socio-Economic Research on Fusion) programme of the European Union Directorate General 12. The economic potential of fusion power, as analyzed by ECN Policy Studies, is reported in the macro task SE0, which addresses long term scenarios. The present report describes the power generation options included in the model of the Western European energy system, on behalf of macro task E1, cost of fusion. The cost data are expressed as ECU of the year 1995. In chapter 2 fission and fusion power are presented in some detail, notably: light water reactor (LWR, fission power), and some commercial fusion power plant assumed available from 2050 on. Chapter 3 presents a number of fossil fuel based power generation options, e.g. pulverized coal-fired power, lignite-fired power, gas-fired power. Also conventional technologies, and advanced fossil fuel based options are considered. Chapter 4 contains renewable power options: hydro power, wind power, solar power, wave power, tidal power, geothermal power, and waste-to-energy power plants. Finally, comprehensive figures on power generation costs are presented in chapter 5. 25 refs.

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