SAVE-module produktiebedrijven: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
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SAVE stands for Simulation and Analysis of Virtual use in Energyscenarios and will be used for the analysis of future energy savings possibilities for end users, in conjunction with volume growth and structural changes in the socio-economic system, e.g. shifts in production patterns. This report contains a description of the Production module, that includes industry, agriculture and construction sectors. A bottom-up approach is used modelling heavy energy users on a process level. Alternative processes and
specific saving options are evaluated. In the model approach implementation
takes place, limited by 3 types of restrictions. First, technical and
organisational restrictions (f.e. lack of information and situational
barriers are modeled with an S-curve). Second, a vintage approach takes
embodied capital depreciation into account. Third, the technology is
evaluated on its economic benefits and compared with competing technologies.
Due to a normal variance in decision settings, there are no absolute winners
or losers. Another feature is the dynamic nature of penetration processes.
Whether a technology can reach full market maturity depends in SAVE-Production on its success in previous periods. In the model structure,
the physical variables that determine energy consumption can be defined in
various ways, either by predictions of sectoral economic growth, by the
development of related physical variables, or autonomously. In this way
phenomena like recycling, de-materialization, feedstock and product switches
can be modeled. Data in this report have a preliminary status and serve
mainly as an example for the use of the model.
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