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Publicaties van auteur Muffler, H.J. 
Löffler, J.; Devilee, C.; Geusebroek, M.; Soppe, W.J.; Muffler, H.J.;
Deposition of µc-Si:H by Microwave PECVD - Influence of process conditions on layer properties
ECN-RX--06-029 EN september 2006; 4 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Dresden, Germany, 4-8 september 2006.
Soppe, W.J.; Devilee, C.; Geusebroek, M.; Löffler, J.; Muffler, H.J.;
The effect of argon dilution on deposition of microcrystalline silicon by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
ECN-RX--06-015 EN juni 2006; 20 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: E-MRS, European Materials Research Society, Nice, France, 29 mei 2006-2 juni 2006.
Soppe, W.J.; Devilee, C.; Muffler, H.J.; Gajovic, A.; Dubcek, P.; Gracin, D.;
Large area, high rate deposition of uc-Si by MicroWave PECVD
ECN-RX--05-108 EN oktober 2005; 2 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 15th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference & Solar Energy Exhibition, Shanghai, China, 10-15 oktober 2005.
Löffler, J.; Muffler, H.J.; Devilee, C.; Gajovic, A.; Dubcek, P.; Gracin, D.; Soppe, W.J.;
Large area deposition of microcrystalline silicon by microwave PECVD
ECN-RX--05-150 EN september 2005; 4 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 21st International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors - ICANS 21, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-9 september 2005.
Soppe, W.J.; Muffler, H.J.; Biebericher, A.C.W.; Devilee, C.; Burgers, A.R.; Poruba, A.; Hodakova, L.; Vanecek, M.;
Optical and structural properties of microcrystalline silicon, grown by microwave PECVD
ECN-RX--05-003 EN juni 2005; 4 pag.
Gepresenteerd op: 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 6-10 juni 2005.