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Publicaties van auteur Rens, G.L.M.A. van
Rens, G.L.M.A. van; Woude, R.R. van der; Kos, G.P.A.; Kuipers, J.; Witkamp, G.J.; Stapersma, D.;
Proving the possibility of physical removal of particulate matter with the SJAC-technology
ECN-W--07-024 EN juni 2007; 9 pag.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology (Springer), 2007, Ed.A9, p.29-37.
Rens, G.L.M.A. van; Wilde, H.P.J. de;
Pre- and after-treatment techniques for diesel engines in inland navigation. Technical report in the framework of EU project CREATING (M06.03, Task II)
ECN-RX--05-175 EN maart 2006; 31 pag.
Rens, G.L.M.A. van; Wilde, H.P.J. de;
Retrofitting potentials for diesel engines in inland navigation. Technical report in the framework of EU project CREATING (M06.03, Task III)
ECN-RX--05-176 EN november 2005; 26 pag.