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Publicaties van auteur Wichers, V.A. 
Wichers, V.A.;
Seismic engineering
ECN-B--02-007 EN maart 2002; 0 pag.
Wichers, V.A.;
Functional design of the CHEM control system
ECN-C--95-125 EN 1996; 71 pag.
Gruppelaar, H.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutations of nuclear waste: progress report RAS programme 1995:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--96-002 EN 1996; 42 pag.
Peters, E.; Wichers, V.A.;
Development and design of a UF6 gas pressure meter for 42 mmpipes
ECN-C--95-078 EN 1995; 67 pag.
Wichers, V.A.;
Evaluation of the thorium based nuclear fuel: actinide waste
ECN-R--95-005 EN 1995; 46 pag.
Franken, W.M.P.; Bultman, J.H.; Konings, R.J.M.; Wichers, V.A.;
Evaluation of thorium based nuclear fuel: extended summary
ECN-R--95-006 EN 1995; 28 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Gruppelaar, H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Abrahams, K.; Blankenvoorde, P.J.A.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Konings, R.J.M.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutation of nuclear waste: status report RAS programme 1994:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--95-025 EN 1995; 107 pag.
Bultman, J.H.; Wichers, V.A.;
Actinide waste for the once-through thorium fueled Heavy WaterReactor : [publ. in the Proceedings of 1995 annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society, June 25-29, 1995, Philadelphia (USA)]
ECN-RX--95-008 EN 1995; 4 pag.
Wichers, V.A.; Aaldijk, J.K.; Betue, P.A.C. de; Harry, R.J.S.;
Computer-optimized y-NDA geometries for uranium enrichment verification of gaseous UF6
ECN-RX--93-050 EN 1993; 6 pag.
Wichers, V.A.;
Evaluation of reprocessing in the IFR with respect to actinide waste and non-proliferation
ECN-R--93-018 EN 1993; 63 pag.
Wichers, V.A.; Heijboer, R.J.;
INFCE review : part A. introduction, fuel cycles and technologies
ECN-I--93-001 EN 1993; 85 pag.
Wichers, V.A.;
Sensitivity analysis of the two geometry method : uranium enrichment verification of gaseous UF6
ECN-R--93-007 EN 1993; 45 pag.