Optimized back reflectors for rear diffused c-Si solar cells
Ingenito, A.; OrtizLizcano, J.C.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Santbergen, R.; Weeber, A.W.; Isabella, O.; Zeman, M.
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), , 2014, Vol.55, p.94-100.
At present, research in c-Si solar cells is focused on increasing the efficiency while reducing the amount of used materials. Since silicon wafer and metal contribute up to 50% to the cost of a module, it is crucial to reduce the amount of these materials to fabricate cost-effective modules. In particular, for reducing the consumption of metal, the rear back contact can be patterned leaving ample metal-free regions that are well passivated. This is the concept of open-rear-metallization, typically found in solar cell concepts such as n-Pasha. In this contribution we compare a Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR), white paint and white foil as cost-effective back reflectors for rear diffused c-Si solar cells.
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