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ECN publicatie:
Solar cell process development in the European integrated project CrystalClear
Beaucarne, G. ; John, J.; Choulat, P.; Ma, Y.; Russel, R.; Romijn, I.G.; Weeber, A.W.; Hofmann, M.; Preu, R.; Slaoui, A. et al.; Quang, N. Le; Nichiporuk, O.; Canizo, C. del; Pan, A.; Solheim, H.; Evju, J.; Nagel, H.; Horzel, J.; Bitnar, B.; Heemeier, M.; Weber, T.; Raabe, B.; Haverkamp, H. ; Strümpel, C.; Junge, J.; Riegel, S. ; Seren, S.; Hahn, G.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 3-10-2008
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-M--08-066 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
5 Download PDF  (771kB)

Gepresenteerd op: 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, 1-5 september 2008.

CrystalClear is a large integrated project funded by the European Commission that aims to drastically reduce the cost of crystalline Si PV modules, down to 1 Euro/Wp. Among the different subprojects, the one dealing with the development of advanced solar cells is relatively large (with 11 partners out of the 15 Crystal Clear partners taking part) and has a crucial role. The goal of the subproject is to develop cell design concepts and manufacturing processes that would enable a reduction in the order of 40% of the cell processing costs per Wp. In this paper, we give an overview of all the development work that has taken place in the CrystalClear solar cells subproject so far. World class results have been achieved, particularly on high efficiency cells on Si ribbons, and on industrial-type solar cells on very thin (120 µm thick) substrates.

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