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ECN publicatie:
Technische monitoring van PV-systemen te Apeldoorn : periode september 1997 - september 1999
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 1-1-2000
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-C--00-005 ECN rapport
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
39  Niet beschikbaar.

Under contract from a Dutch energy distribution company (NUON), ECN is carrying out a monitoring program for a number of PV systems that are installed on houses in the urban area 'Het Woudhuis' in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. It concerns four groups of houses with PV systems which differ from each other in type of PV system or the orientation of the roofs. This document is a report of the technical monitoring concerning one group, comprising of 14 PV systems, during the period from 5 September 1997 to 4 September 1999. The average yield of the PV systems, standardized for a climatological average year for the Netherlands, is 706 kWh/kWp. An expanded monitoring program was carried out for one of the systems, which has led to detailed information about the incoming radiation, the behaviour of the PV panels and the inverter. 4 refs.

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