Autonome PV-systemen in Nederland: evaluatie van de marktintroductie
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ECN rapport
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The policy followed for stand-alone PV systems in the Netherlands isevaluated for the period 1997-1998. The world-wide powerful growth of the PV
industry is not being followed by the increase in volume of implemented
stand-alone PV systems in the Netherlands. This leads to the question whether
the Dutch policy to stimulate stand-alone PV systems is effective.
Recommendations on the use of communication as a strategic instrument are
given, including the drawing up of a marketing plan. Other recommendations
include increased transparency in the application for subsidies and a
pro-active role of the Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment
(Novem) in the contact with relevant market parties. The increased focus on
product development aimed at the environmental benefits and general
reliability of PV systems is recommended. 38 refs.
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