Thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells in ceramic substrates
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , , Vol., p.-.
For a successful development of thin-film crystalline silicon solarcells, both the availability of cheap substrates and a suitable deposition
technique are required. To ease the introduction of thin-film silicon solar
cells in commercial process lines, substrates which can withstand
temperatures up to 900C are preferred. Because of additional demands such as
low-cost, non-toxicity and high strength, ceramics are good candidates to
serve as substrate materials. To facilitate nucleation, and to match the
silicon thermal expansion coefficient, the production of silicon based
ceramics by the potentially low-cost tape casting method is being
investigated. To increase the density and strength of the substrates, Al and
Sialon were used as additives. To investigate nucleation and layer growth on
the ceramic substrates, Liquid Phase Epitaxy has been chosen as the
deposition technique. Although we can grow easily from aluminium melts, we
focus on (doped) indium and tin melts. The results indicate that layer growth
on the substrates is possible, but no continuous layers have been realised
yet. 7 figs., 17 refs.
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