New MEXICO experiment, preliminary overview
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This report gives an overview of the New MEXICO wind turbine measurements as carried out in the the Large Scale Low Speed Facility (LLF) of the German Dutch Wind Tunnels (DNW) between June 20th and July 4th 2014. The test is a follow up of the first MEXICO campaign, which was held in 2006. The main objective of the test is to progress aerodynamic (and acoustic) modelling of wind turbines and wind turbine farms. The test preparation activities are described, including a pressure sensors calibration and static wind tunnel test of the blades. Some preliminary results of the rotating test are discussed.
Several open questions from the first campaign have been resolved and a good agreement has been
found between these measurements. The MEXICO database has been extended with extra test cases to
progress modelling of dynamic inflow, non-uniformity between the blades, yawed flow effects, parked conditions and pitch misalignment. In addition to that several blade add-ons were tested to improve the turbine performance. Acoustic measurements have been performed using both far field microphones as well as a microphone array. Flow visualization was performed by application of smoke candles to the blade tips and oil to the blade surface.
In summary, after years of preparation, ECN and partners have performed very successful aerodynamic experiments in the largest wind tunnel in Europe. The comprehensive high quality database that has been obtained obtained will be used in an international consortium to further develop wind energy aerodynamic modelling.
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