North Sea Transnational Grid: Evaluation of NSTG options
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Work Package 2 of the North Sea Transnational Grid (NSTG) project covers the technical
and economic evaluation of different solutions for the North Sea Transnational Grid. This
will be based on the steady state electrical and economic calculations for the different
technical options and scenarios. This report describes building and testing the EeFarm
model and describes the EeFarm NSTG results.
Two scenario’s will be investigated:
North Sea Transnational Grid with interconnected wind power and trade connections
(NSTG integrated scenario);
Individual wind power connec??ons to shore (AC connected) and a separate transna-
tional DC trade grid (AC-DC separated scenario).
For both scenarios the development of the grid will be divided into 10 phases.
First, the choices to be made when building a large AC or DC model for the NSTG scenarios
in EeFarm will be explained. Since EeFarm was built for unidirec??onal power flow,
modelling a meshed multi-terminal DC grid requires addi??onal control components. A
description of these components and tests can be found in appendix D.
In the main part of this report, the results for the phases of the two NSTG scenarios are
described and compared.
The application of EeFarm is demonstrated in a separate case study: the Cobra cable between
the Netherlands and Denmark, extended with two wind farms in appendix C.
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