Investigation into Rotor Blade Aerodynamics; Results from testing the UAE rotor in the NASA-Ames tunnel
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During 2000 NREL (Colorado) performed an exhaustive series of measurementson their UAE phase-VI wind turbine in the 24m x 36m wind tunnel of NASA-Ames
In the fall of 2000 NREL organised a 'Blind Comparison' for wind-turbine
research institutes.
ECN participated in this benchmark with the program PHATAS.
The stationary aerodynamic coefficients calculated by the participants
of this 'Blind Comparison' showed large differences, in particular in
Based on the aerodynamic models used in the different design codes it
was concluded that these differences depend among others on the airfoil
coefficients-tables used and on the correction models used for rotational
In the winter of 2002 the aerodynamic coefficients in stall were investigated
in more detail, partly based on the measured data for the S809 airfoil.
These investigations resulted in an improved model for the coefficients
in stall, and in suggestions for improving the models for rotational
In the program PHATAS the implementation of e.g. the tip loss factor
was improved for large distances between the trailing vortices.
At the moment of finishing this work, still some discrepancies remain
between the measured and the calculated properties in stall.
An onset is given for further research (starting with code-comparison)
within the IEA Annex-XX project.
Based on the discrepancies between the predicted and the calculated
aerodynamic properties the needs for future developments on the existing
wind turbine design codes were described.
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