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ECN publicatie:
CO2 Storage Feasibility: A Workflow for Site Characterisation
Nepveu, M.; Neele, F.P.; Delprat-Jannaud, F.; Akhurst, M.; Vincké, O.; Volpi, V.; Lothe, A.; Brunsting, S.; Pearce, J.; Battani, A.; Baroni, A.; Garcia, B.; Hofstee, C.; Wollenweber, J.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Beleidsstudies 1-6-2015
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-W--15-051 Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
Aantal pagina's:

Gepubliceerd in: Oil & Gas Science and Technology (IFP Energies nouvelles), , 2015, Vol.70(4), p.523-784.

In this paper, we present an overview of the SiteChar workflow model for site characterisation and assessment for CO2 storage. Site characterisation and assessment is required when permits are requested from the legal authorities in the process of starting a CO2 storage process at a given site. The goal is to assess whether a proposed CO2 storage site can indeed be used for permanent storage while meeting the safety requirements demanded by the European Commission (EC) Storage Directive (9, Storage Directive 2009/31/EC). Many issues have to be scrutinised, and the workflow presented here is put forward to help efficiently organise this complex task. Three issues are highlighted: communication within the working team and with the authorities; interdependencies in the workflow and feedback loops; and the risk-based character of the workflow. A general overview (helicopter view) of the workflow is given; the issues involved in communication and the risk assessment process are described in more detail. The workflow as described has been tested within the SiteChar project on five potential storage sites throughout Europe. This resulted in a list of key aspects of site characterisation which can help prepare and focus new site characterisation studies.

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