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ECN publicatie:
pH dependent extraction of soils and soil amendments to understand the factors controlling element mobility - New approach to assess soil and soil amendments
Carter, C.M.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Cooling, D.
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Biomassa, Kolen en Milieuonderzoek 15-9-2010
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-W--09-063 Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
Aantal pagina's:

Gepubliceerd in: European Journal of Soil Science (), , 2009, Vol.60, p.622-637.

A combination of the pH-dependent leaching test CEN/TS 14429 and geochemical modelling (LeachXS#-ORCHESTRA) was used to evaluate the partitioning of major, minor and trace elements in relation totheir phosphorus retention capability, the release of non-nutrient constituents, their reduction of soil acidity and their organic matter retention. One Australian soil sample and two different soil amendments (Red Lime and Alkaloam) were studied. The pH-dependent leaching test showed that the acid neutralization capacity and the phosphorus retention of the soil were improved, respectively, by a factor of two to five and by a factor of two to ten after addition of these amendments. The amendments improved retention of dissolved organic matter (by a factor of 3–10) and did not increase leachability of undesired contaminants. The partitioning as obtained from modelling between free and dissolved organic-carbon-bound metals provides insight into the potential for uptake (bioavailability). This partitioning is very pH-dependent and therefore testing and associated chemical speciation modelling provide valuable information for judging traditional soil improvers and soil amendments, including the waste-derived soil amendments Alkaloam and Red Lime.

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