Transient analysis for the high temperature pebble-bed reactor coupled to the energy conversion system
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Artikel wetenschap tijdschrift
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Gepubliceerd in: Paper presented at the IAEA TCM 'Safety related design and economic aspects of high temperature gas cooled reactors', held in Be (), , , Vol., p.-.
This paper describes the results of the calculational coupling between ahigh temperature reactor code and a thermal hydraulic code for the energy
conversion system. This coupling has been developed in order to come to a
more detailed and realistic simulation of the entire HTR system. Combining
the two codes reduces the number of assumptions that have to be made related
to the boundary conditions of the two separate codes. The models used for the
dynamic components of the energy conversion system are described, and the
results of the calculation for two operational transients in order to
demonstrate the effects of the interaction between reactor core and its
energy conversion system are presented. 13 refs.
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