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ECN publicatie:
Overzicht commercieel verkrijgbare warmtewisselaars : technische en economische kentallen
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Energie Efficiency in de Industrie 1-7-2001
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-I--01-009 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
66 Download PDF  (5156kB)

When developing equipment for waste heat manipulation, it is necessary to have full understanding of heat transfer and also of the equipment involved. Making an inventory of all types of heat exchangers solves the present lack of knowledge of design data and economic parameters of heat exchangers. This survey made use of the open literature, the Internet and pamphlets of companies.For the selection of heat exchangers in a specific application the most important criteria are: compactness (m2/m3); the overall heat transfer coefficient (U, W/m2K), range of temperature, pressure and power, fouling, price and experience. Plate heat exchangers are compact, efficient and not expensive in comparison with conventional Shell and Tube type heat exchanger and are gaining importance. There are many types of plate heat exchangers. The main classes are: frame-, brazed-, welded- and spiral plate heat exchangers. The use of fins, grooved surfaces, inserts and twisted tubes give good prospects of improving the overall heat transfer.

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