High temperature engineering research facilities and experiments: proceedings of an OECD/NEA workshop held in Petten, the Netherlands, 12-14 November, 1997 [ECN-R--98-005 ; NEA/NSC/DOC(98)4]
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June 14, 1995, the construction of a pebble bed type high temperaturegas-cooled reactor (HTGR) started in China. It is a test reactor with 10 MW
thermal power output (termed HTR- 10). The test reactor is located on the
site of Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology (INET) of Tsinghua University
in the northwest suburb of Beijing, about 40 km away from the city. Design of
the HTR-10 test reactor represents the features of HTR-Modular design:
'side-by-side' arrangement, spherical fuel elements with 'multi-pass' loading
scheme, completely passive decay heat removal, reactor shutdown systems in
the side reflector, etc. However, in the HTR-10 design some modifications
from the HTR-Module were made to satisfy Chinese conditions. For example, the
steam generator is composed of a number of modular helical tubes with small
diameter, pulse pneumatic discharging apparatus are used in the fuel handling
system and step motor driving control rods are designed. These modifications
would cause some uncertainty in our design. It is necessary to do engineering
experiments to prove these new or modified ideas. Therefore, a program of
engineering experiments for HTR-10 key technologies is being conducted at
INET. The main aims of these engineering experiments are to verify the
designed characteristics and performance of the components and systems, to
feedback on design and to obtain operational experiences. Those engineering
experiments are depressurization test of the hot gas duct at room temperature
and operating pressure, performance test of the hot gas duct at operating
helium temperature and pressure, performance test of the pulse pneumatic fuel
handling system, test of the control rods driving apparatus, two phase flow
stability test for the once through steam generator and cross mixture test at
the bottom of the reactor core
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