Neutron metrology in the HFR: steel irradiation R287-03 (CHARIOT-03)
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The experiment R287 (CHARIOT) is part of a material program to testferritic-martensitic stainless steel of different types and has been
irradiated in the HFR Petten. In this report the final metrology results
obtained from activation monitors in the specimen holder, coded as R287-03,
and irradiated in a TRIO type capsule in HFR position G7, are presented. Data
about the helium production as well as the number of displacements per atom
are included. The aim of the irradiation of specimen holder R287-03 was to
reach a target damage level of approximately 2.5 dpa for the loaded specimens
at a temperature of 300C. The main results of the thermal and fast neutron
fluence measurements, indicate that the obtained damage levels in the steel
specimens loaded in this specimen holder range from 2.3 to 3.7 dpa. Contrary
to the target operation temperature of 300C, the temperature of the
CT-specimens during irradiation ranges between 316 and 368C. The irradiation
temperature of miniaturized charpy specimens is estimated to be in the same
range as measured for the CT-specimens. 24 refs.
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