Improved treatment of the strongly varying slope in fitting solar cell I-Vcurves
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Straightforward least squares fitting of l-V curves leads to non optimalfits: residuals around and above the open-circuit voltage dominate the fit,
leading to a bad fit at the maximum power point and lower voltage values. To
deal with this problem, the authors have resorted to using weighting
functions or to minimizing the area between data and fit instead of the least
squares procedure. Both approaches lack a sound statistical basis. Voltage
noise has a big influence on fitting due to the steep slope of an l-V curve
for higher voltage values. For this reason the authors have used Orthogonal
Distance Regression (ODR), which is a mathematical method for fitting
measurements with errors in both voltage- and current measurements. It allows
for computing both the l-V curve parameters and their uncertainties. 4 figs.,
1 tab., 12 refs.
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