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ECN publicatie:
Coal/biomass cogasification and high temperature gas cleaning
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1995
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-RX--95-029 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
33  Niet beschikbaar.

This paper reports on the cogasification of coal and biomass in adowndraught fixed-bed gasifier and on the high temperature removal of halides from the fuel gas produced. Air-blown downdraught gasifiers are considered as an interesting option especially for small and intermediate scale on-site fuel gas generation using high volatile feedstocks. The current test programme conducted with a 300 kWth downdraught gasifier at the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) was focused on the effect of the partial replacement of the coal feedstock by two different biomass feedstocks, viz. Meranti wood waste and straw pellets (Danish winter wheat), on gasifier operability and fuel gas composition. For dry halide removal, several sorbents were evaluated based on literature data, thermodynamic calculations, and on laboratory and bench-scale experiments at atmospheric pressure. The evaluation was mainly focused on dry halide removal at a temperature level of 350-400C in a separate process located upstream of the desulphurisation process in an integrated system for high temperature gas cleaning. 8 figs., 11 tabs., 11 refs.

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