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ECN publicatie:
Status of PHATAS-II release "NOV-1994": SUN and DOS version
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN 1995
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-R--95-014 Overig
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
39  Niet beschikbaar.

The status of release 'NOV-1994' of the computer program PHATAS-2 and itspostprocessor of which the executables have the name 'phatas' and 'phpost' is described. The specifications of the code, the relevant modifications with respect to release 'APR-1994' and a list of the appropriate documentation are included. Identification of the output files of this PHATAS-II release is realized by a label in the heading of the output files: Release: NOV-1994. The label in the binary datafiles created with release 'NOV-1994' is still 'APR-1994' because the contents and the validity of the properties are identical to that for release 'APR-1994'. This means that the same postprocessor can be used for binary datafiles from each of these releases. Release 'NOV-1994' is validated by comparison of calculational results with those from release 'APR-1994' using the Test Procedure and one additional configuration. Besides, the geometrical description is tested by means of scaling the dimensions of one of the test cases and the accuracy of the blade bending equations are tested by varying the number of blade elements and the bending stiffness. Finally the hardware requirements and an installation guide are included for the SUN version and for the DOS version. 29 figs., 13 tabs., 9 refs.

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