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ECN publicatie:
N-type polysilicon passivating contacts for industrial bifacial n-pert cells
Gepubliceerd door: Publicatie datum:
ECN Zonne-energie 24-6-2016
ECN publicatienummer: Publicatie type:
ECN-M--16-015 Conferentiebijdrage
Aantal pagina's: Volledige tekst:
6 Download PDF  (525kB)

We present a high-performance bifacial n-type solar cell with n+ polysilicon (polySi) back side passivating contacts and fire-through screen-printed metallization, processed on 6" Cz wafers. The cells were manufactured with low-cost industrial process steps yielding a best efficiency of 20.7%, and an average Voc of 674 mV. We analysed effects of variation of doping level, thickness, and oxide properties of the n-type polySi/SiOx layers, as well as hydrogenation from a PECVD SiNx:H coating, which led to recombination current densities down to ~2 fA/cm2 and ~4 fA/cm2 on planar and textured surface, respectively. The results are novel in four aspects: the cells are bifacial, they are full 6" size while employing LPCVD for the polySi deposition, the polySi passivating contact is metallized by fire-through screen printing paste, and hydrogenation is done by PECVD-deposited and fired SiNx:H. Analysis shows that the wafer bulk lifetime in the cell is high and that the Voc of the cell is limited by the Jo of the uniform diffused boron emitter and its contacts. Ways to improve the efficiency of the cell to > 22% are indicated.

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